Kept by God's Grace (1 Kings 15:14) - Radical

Kept by God’s Grace (1 Kings 15:14)

“Nevertheless, the heart of Asa was wholly true to the Lord all his days.”
– 1 Kings 15:14

1 Kings 15:14, is that not a great verse? Is that not a great description of what we want our lives to be? To get to the end, and the commentary on our lives from God to be his heart, her heart was wholly true to the Lord all his days, all her days? Oh, don’t you want that? I think about Paul near the end of his life saying, “I have finished the race. I’ve completed the course that the Lord Jesus has given to me.”

God, keep us in your grace and help us to finish the race and complete the course you’ve entrusted to us.

The fact that I am speaking right now, and you are listening right now shows that our race is not yet finished. Our course is not yet complete.

God has given us another day, and if he wills, we’ll have another day after this and another day. We’ll have days until he wills otherwise, until he draws us to himself and we experienced the gain of being with Christ. But until that day, let’s just pray for each other that God would keep our hearts wholly true to him all our days. God, we pray for this in our lives.

Prayer For Us to Seek the Lord All Our Days Like 1 Kings 15:14 Describes

We pray for this in each of our lives. Right now before you, help us, we pray to be wholly true to you all of our days. Until the moment we have no more breath, God, we pray that we would be wholly true to you. Keep us from falling away, oh God, keep us in your grace. Help us to finish the race and complete the course you’ve entrusted to us. Even in an Acts 20:24 way, to complete the task you’ve given us. To testify to the gospel of your grace until we have no more breath left.

God, we pray this for others around us. God, we pray this for our family members. We pray this for spouses and children. God, we pray, help them to be wholly true to you all their days. God, what a request to pray for others. We pray this for our friends and co-laborers in Christ. We pray this for the members of our churches. And we pray this for the leaders of our churches, God, to help them to be a wholly true to you all their days. God, we pray that you’d help us to lead more people to you, that they might have hearts wholly true to you all their days.

May People’s Hearts Be True to You

God, we pray for the spread of the gospel among Saudi Arabs, that they might be wholly true to you all their days. God, we pray for this in our lives. We pray for this and others’ lives, knowing this is only possible by your keeping power, by your sustaining grace in us, by your spirit at work within us. So a dependence on you and desperation for your help. We pray, help our hearts to be wholly true to you, our Lord, all our days. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

David Platt

David Platt serves as a pastor in metro Washington, D.C. He is the founder of Radical.

David received his Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is the author of Don’t Hold Back, Radical, Follow MeCounter CultureSomething Needs to ChangeBefore You Vote, as well as the multiple volumes of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series.

Along with his wife and children, he lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area.


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