Giving - Radical


Your giving engages millions of people globally with gospel content and enables thousands of gospel leaders to make Jesus known in the world’s hardest places.

Give Online

Other Ways to Give

Checks can be mailed to Radical, P.O. Box 380602, Birmingham, Alabama 35238. Please include your email address and phone number.

Please email us for Radical’s bank wiring instructions.

Cash and securities can be donated through a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF). If your DAF needs transfer instructions please email us.

You may choose to include Radical in your estate planning by naming Radical as a beneficiary in your will, trust, retirement plan, IRA, life insurance policy, or banking and investment accounts.

Many employers offer programs that match a portion of charitable contributions made by their employees. Check with your employer to see if you can double your gift to Radical through a matching program. Matching gifts can be made through any of our listed giving channels.

Honor or remember a loved one by making a gift to Radical in their name. Please include details in the memo line, along with your email address and phone number.

Many churches partner financially with Radial to make Jesus known around the world. If your church has questions or needs further information on our available giving channels, please have them email us.

Give with Confidence


Radical, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supported by generous gifts from donors like you. Radical is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and GuideStar/Candid. We strive to maintain excellent financial transparency and accountability and are committed to maximizing the impact of your generous financial support. We invite you to review the current financial information provided. If you have any questions, please reach out to a member of our team.



Radical is annually audited by Capin Crouse, an outside independent accounting firm.

View our ECFA accredited organization profile for more information.

View our GuideStar/Candid accredited organization profile for more information.