Lord of the Impossible (Jeremiah 32:17) - Radical

Lord of the Impossible (Jeremiah 32:17)

Ah, Lord God, it is you who have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.
– Jeremiah 32:17

Yes, what a great verse. And what a great reminder to us as we pray. To pray to the God who made the heavens and the Earth by his great power, by his outstretched arm. Look around you at everything in the world today. It was made by God, created by God, he spoke and it came into being. God has all power as Creator of all things, which means there is no thing, nothing that is too hard for him to do. And so I want you to think before we pray here about things that you would like to see that seem impossible. The things that you would like to see for others’ good, your good, and God’s glory that seem impossible.

Jeremiah 32:17 reminds us that God is truly Almighty.

And I want us to press in and pray for those things, knowing that just because God has power to do something doesn’t mean he will do something. God is all-wise, he’s all-loving, he’s always doing what he does out of wisdom that he alone possesses supremely. He sees things we don’t see. He knows things we don’t know. And so we trust him if he chooses not to show his power in certain ways.

At the same time, we trust that he has all power. And so we ask for him to show his power, totally trusting his ability and his wisdom. So what comes to your mind when you think of things that are too hard, like impossible? You can’t imagine seeing this happen. Why not pray for that? Just ask God to do, that which is not too hard for him to do. Ask him and trust him with what you’ve asked.

So, God, we pray right now with trust in who you are, the Almighty Creator of everything. Lord God, there’s no one like you. You’re the only true God, the omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, all-wise God. You made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm. You have all power and all authority in all the world, there is nothing too hard for you.

Jeremiah 32:17 encourages us to pray for what seems impossible.

So we pray. God, do that which is impossible without you. Lord, we pray for salvation of people we’ve been praying for, for a long time, who seem so hard to the gospel. God, we pray, save them. Show your power to save them. We pray for that, oh God. God, we pray for salvation of individuals and for salvation to spread among people. Lord, we pray for spiritual awakening in our cities, our countries. God, that’s not too hard for you to bring about spiritual awakening, to turn the tide of people’s hearts towards you. God, please do it.

We pray, show your power in spiritual awakening and revival in your church. God, we pray for that. Lord, we pray for healing people who are sick, who are struggling physically right now in all kinds of different ways, who have been given diagnoses that look very dim. God, there’s nothing too hard for you. You can heal. Lord, you can heal of cancer. You can heal tumors. God, we pray for that. We ask, show your power to heal.

Please. Oh God, we pray nothing is too hard for you. God, we pray for marriages to be healed, for relationships to be healed, that are broken, that seem beyond repair. God, nothing is too hard for you. They’re not beyond your ability to repair them. Oh God, so many different things coming to our minds that are not too hard for you to do. So we ask you to do them.

And God, we pray for faith in our praying. God, help us to be bold and humble before you, trusting in your power that nothing is too hard for you. As we trust also in your wisdom and your love. God, we trust you with all the things we’ve just asked. God, we would love to see healing, salvation, awakening, all these different things we’ve just asked, and more. So God, we express that to you as our Father in heaven. And we trust your power and your wisdom and your love with all these things.

Prayer for the Unreached

And God, we pray for thousands of people groups in the world that have yet to be reached with the gospel. God, we pray, cause all of them to be reached. That’s not too hard for you. God, we pray that that would happen soon. God, we would ask, would that happen in our lifetime? Lord, please, please, please cause the gospel, your grace, the good news of your mercy in Jesus to spread to all the peoples of the world. God, use our lives however you want toward that end. We pray for that. That’s not too hard for you.

God, we pray all of this according to your Word, Lord God, and Jeremiah 32:17. In Jesus’ name, amen.

David Platt

David Platt serves as a pastor in metro Washington, D.C. He is the founder of Radical.

David received his Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is the author of Don’t Hold Back, Radical, Follow MeCounter CultureSomething Needs to ChangeBefore You Vote, as well as the multiple volumes of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series.

Along with his wife and children, he lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area.


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