In this episode of Pray the Word on Esther 1:12, David Platt reminds us that God is in control and working sovereignly in our lives.
“But Queen Vashti refused to come at the king’s command delivered by the eunuchs.”
-Esther 1:12
So the reason I read this verse, I want to lead us to pray according to it, is because this is the beginning of God’s orchestration of events behind the scenes for the salvation of his people. What Queen Vashti does here leads eventually to Esther becoming queen and the Jewish people being saved from annihilation at the hand of the king. But you don’t know that when you read Esther 1; you’re just reading these events as they happen.
Esther 1:12 Teaches Us that God is Sovereign
But Esther 1:12 is a reminder to us that in the ordinary day-to-day things, and even or especially in the things that we walk through, that we don’t understand, that there is a sovereign God who is working in all things in so many ways that we do not see for the accomplishment of his purposes. And his purposes are good for all who trust in him.
Finding Confidence in God’s Strength
This is Romans 8:28 that we cling to. “We know that in all things, God works together for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” And what is his purpose? You keep reading in verse 29 and 30, it’s to bring us into the image of Jesus, to experience glory in him, with him forever.
And this gives confidence, doesn’t it, to our lives on a daily basis, amidst whatever we’re walking through, to keep our eyes focused on God and to say continually: “We trust in you. We trust in you. God, we trust in your sovereignty over all things. We trust in your wisdom. And we trust in your purpose that you are accomplishing in our lives and in the world around us. God, we praise you that you are on the throne right now. That you are sovereignly working in all things.
Esther 1:12 Reminds Us that God is in Control
Even the things we don’t understand and don’t seem right. Even in this sinful, evil fallen world, that you are working. You are in control. And that you are bringing all things to your ultimate purpose, when your justice and righteousness reign on the earth and all who trusted in you are conformed fully, perfectly into the image of Jesus and we’re glorified with him and your presence, enjoying you for all of eternity. God, we praise you. We believe this: God is in control.
Trusting and Obeying God
“That’s where all this is headed. All the details of our lives headed toward that day. So help us, we pray, to faithfully walk with you today, to obey you today, and to trust you today. And I pray especially for people who are walking through really difficult days right now. And God, I pray that you’ll help them, amidst the difficulties and the questions and the confusion, God, to fix their eyes on you and to trust in you and your hand at work.
Esther 1:12 Leads Us to Ask God for Help
God, help us all to see in what might seem like the monotony of our days or the small things. Help us to know that you are working in all these small things to lead ultimately to the accomplishment of your great purpose. We love you, God, we praise you for your sovereignty over all leaders and events. And we say together, based on Esther 1:12. What you were doing there, we say, we put all of our trust in you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.