URGENT: Meet the Spiritual + Physical Needs of the Unreached
 Secret Church Happens April 11. Register Soon to Get Your Study Guide Shipped in Time.  Secret Church Happens April 11. Register Soon to Get Your Study Guide Shipped in Time.
 Secret Church Happens April 11. Register Soon to Get Your Study Guide Shipped in Time.  Secret Church Happens April 11. Register Soon to Get Your Study Guide Shipped in Time.

Do Something



Learn effective ways to make a change in your life and your church to help reach the unreached across the world.

Remember They Need The Gospel

There are over 3.2 billion people who have no one near to share the gospel with them. These are the unreached. They’re not just unbelievers—they don’t even have access to the good news of Jesus. Hearing the name of Jesus is their greatest need, and God has chosen us to take His name to the nations.

Learn Who They Are

It’s easy to ignore the unreached when we treat them as faraway charity projects. But they are real people, often living in difficult physical, spiritual situations with urgent needs. Learn their stories and needs and how you and your church can help.

Know the Facts

Despite their massive spiritual and physical needs, only 1% of mission resources go to serving the unreached. The people with the great needs are receiving the least support.

Commit to Pray

Don’t let the unreached go unmentioned in your daily prayers. Let your compassion extend into intercession and ask God to use you and your church in whatever way possible to reach the unreached.

Use Your Voice

Become an advocate for the unreached wherever you are: through conversations, in your church, or even by serving overseas. God’s plan is to use people like you to bring His good news to those who have never heard.

A man preaching to the youth group on the unreached.