Register - Secret Church


Select Package

Replay on-demand access for 1 person and a PDF of the guided scripture journal.


Replay on-demand access for 2 people and a PDF of the guided scripture journal.


Replay on-demand access for 5 people and a PDF of the guided scripture journal.


Replay on-demand access for 10 people and a PDF of the guided scripture journal.


Replay on-demand access for 25 people and a PDF of the guided scripture journal.


Replay on-demand access for 50 people and a PDF of the guided scripture journal.


Group Type

Please provide your age range.
Please make a selection.

Billing Details

Please provide a first name.
Please provide a last name.
Please provide a street address.
Please provide a city.
Please provide a Country.
Please provide a State/Province/Region.
Please provide a ZIP/Postal code.
Please provide a phone number.
Please provide an email address.

Shipping Details

Shipping Details

Please provide a street address.
Please provide a city.
Please provide a Country.
Please provide a State/Province/Region.
Please provide a ZIP/Postal code.

Please Read and Agree to the Secret Church Usage Agreement

  • I understand that I will receive my streaming link and other important event communication information through email. (To avoid potential spam filter problems we encourage you to add [email protected] to your address book.)
  • I understand that each participant needs to have a paid registration that matches the ticket package that was purchased.
  • I agree that I will not share my streaming link with other individuals or organizations.
  • I agree that I will not record, reproduce, or redistribute, any portions of the content.
  • I understand that my registration is not transferable or refundable.
Please read and agree to the terms of use.

Your Order

Pay securely using your credit card.

Please fill out all required fields.
Congratulations! You have successfully registered for Secret Church 24 – Replay On-Demand. You will receive a registration confirmation email in the next few minutes. In that email you will find a replay access link to view Secret Church 24 on-demand.


There is no username or password required to access the replay. Clicking the button in the confirmation email we just sent you is the way to access the replay.

If you ordered a group package, please forward the email with the access link to those who are part of your group. Please only share with the number of people included in your registration.

We use cookies to verify your unique access link. You will need to make sure your browser settings are set to allow cookies.

This access link will work through May 31, 2024.

GUIDED SCRIPTURE JOURNAL: Download a digital version of the Guided Scripture Journal. If you ordered a group package, please share this link with the other members of your group. You are welcome to print copies.

VISIT THE IMPACT PAGE: On the Secret Church Impact Page you will learn more about this year's prayer and giving focus, find downloads for the Guided Scripture Journal and Prayer Guide for the Unreached, explore valuable offers and resources from Radical, and sign up for Secret Church 2025 updates.

NEED HELP? Visit the Secret Church Help Center to explore a knowledge base of answers to common questions. If you experience any problems during the event, the quickest way to get help is through the chat support tool located on the bottom right corner the Secret Church 2024 website, the Help Center, or the Impact Page.
Registration: Single

Replay on-demand access for 1 person and a PDF of the guided scripture journal.


Replay on-demand registrations will receive a PDF download of the Guided Scripture Journal. You can find the download link in your confirmation email.

