Praying for the Persecuted - Radical

Praying for the Persecuted

The first Sunday in November marks the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. How can we pray for our brothers and sisters suffering around the world?

One theme to consider: Christian persecution is often most severe in countries already facing severe physical suffering. I recently read an article about the 10 hungriest countries in the world. It’s a list published by the World Food Program that highlights the 350 million people facing extreme hunger in just a handful of countries.

Christian persecution is often most severe in countries already facing severe physical suffering.

That’s alarming enough, but something else jumped out at me: I noticed that 8 of the 10 countries facing severe hunger are places where Christians face severe persecution as well.

As we pray for the persecuted church on Sunday, Nov. 3, let’s pray for spiritual and physical endurance for believers in these nations, and also for the millions of unbelievers in the same countries, as they face a famine of body and soul.

Here’s a short guide to praying for four nations topping the list:

1. Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

After decades of civil war, the DRC now ranks as the world’s largest hunger crisis, according to the World Food Program. One out of three Congolese face significant hunger, and millions of children suffer from malnutrition.

In the eastern part of the country, Christians face violent persecution from dozens of armed groups targeting churches as part of ongoing conflict. Islamic militants have kidnapped believers and have tried to force Christians to recant their faith. Other groups target pastors or church leaders speaking out against the violence in the widespread civil war.

How to pray: Pray that the Lord will protect Christians in the DRC suffering from physical violence and sexual assault, and that he will strengthen their faith during deep trials. Pray he will bring peace to the DRC and help many suffering from hunger across the nation.

2. Afghanistan

Afghanistan often tops annual lists for Christian persecution, but the nation also has a severe hunger problem. The WFP reports 12.4 million Afghans face extreme hunger after four decades of wars and conflicts.

Since the Taliban takeover in 2021, many in the country’s Christian minority have fled the country, and life remains dangerous for the small number of remaining believers. But reports suggest unbelievers are still coming to Christ and the church is surviving.

How to pray: Pray that God will continue to draw Afghans to himself, and that he will sustain, protect, and grow the small remaining church. Pray that he will also show mercy to the millions suffering from a lack of bread and who also need the Bread of Life.

3. Yemen

Some scholars believe the Queen of Sheba mentioned in the Old Testament lived in an ancient territory that’s now part of modern-day Yemen. Though the famous queen was known for great wealth, today Yemen suffers from great poverty. After a decade of civil war, and now conflict in the broader region, the number of Yemenis suffering from hunger has soared to 17 million, including many women and children facing malnutrition.

Life remains dangerous for the tiny population of Christians in the predominantly Muslim nation. Conversions are illegal, but reports include Yemenis turning to Christ through media ministries and other local believers.

How to pray: Pray the Lord will bless efforts to reach Yemenis with the gospel through radio and other media. Pray he will help new believers connect with other Christians, and that he will protect small gatherings of the church. Pray for peace in Yemen and the broader region, and for those most vulnerable to physical suffering. 

4. Syria

Syria’s longstanding civil war continues, and Syrian refugees make up the largest population of displaced people in the world. Nearly 13 million Syrians face severe hunger, and often choose between buying food or medicine.

Many Christians have fled Syria during over a decade of war, with some being forcibly driven from their homes. But reports indicate the church is surviving and even flourishing under trials.

How to pray: Pray the Lord will continue to protect and grow the remaining Christian community in the nation of Syria. Pray the church will be a witness to those around them, and that God will provide opportunities for believers to love their neighbors with physical help as well.

Pray to the Lord of the Harvest

Severe physical hunger and significant Christian persecution afflict other countries, including parts of Nigeria, Sudan, and Somalia. In all these regions, wars and internal battles remain the number one driver of hunger, and often the source of persecution against Christians.

Let’s pray that true gospel peace between God and men would bring both spiritual and physical hope to hurting places. And let’s remember Jesus’ command “to pray for those who persecute you.”

Jamie Dean

Jamie Dean is the Lead Writer for Radical. She has 20 years of experience in journalism and on-the-ground reporting.


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