Why the Arrival of Jesus is Good News for All Peoples - Radical

Why the Arrival of Jesus is Good News for All Peoples

The Christmas story is more than a quaint tale of a baby born in Bethlehem—it is an announcement of hope for all humanity. The arrival of Jesus transcends our personal experiences and cultural traditions, and proclaims salvation for people of every nation, tribe, and tongue.

A few weeks ago, an international friend from India asked me if the gospel was really for people of every nation. This question struck me deeply. It’s easy to see how my friend viewed the Christmas holiday as a local celebration, especially since it’s often intertwined with consumerism and extensive time with family. But the message of Christmas is far greater than a cultural tradition: Jesus’ incarnation is vital to God’s mission to redeem the nations.

The Christmas Story is a Global Story

A careful reader will see that the Christmas story is a global story. In the angels’ announcement to the shepherds, they declared that this good news of great joy was for all the people (Luke 2:10). Later as Simeon, a righteous man, held Jesus, he blessed God and said that he was seeing that salvation that God “prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to his people Israel” (Luke 2:28–32). Later, Matthew shows us that God drew the magi, likely pagan Gentiles, to come and worship Jesus as the King of Kings (Matthew 2:1–12).

Jesus’ birth epitomizes God’s sovereign plan of gathering people for himself who are both humble and esteemed to worship his Son.

God’s promise to bless the nations is fulfilled in Christ

The story of Christmas focuses on Jesus Christ who Matthew identifies in the opening verses of his Gospel as the Son of David and the Son of Abraham. As the Son of David, Jesus is the rightful king of Israel, the one who has come to save his people and exercise his authority as their king. But, as the Son of Abraham, Jesus fulfills God’s promises to bless all nations. In Genesis 12:3, God promised that he will bless his people so that they can bless the nations, and Jesus will be the very one who blesses the nations. Through his birth, life, death, and resurrection, he will bring life to the nations.

The Christmas story is a global story.

The Christmas story is part of a biblical thread stretching from Genesis to Revelation that shows us God’s heart for the nations and the hope that is given to all who have faith. The work of Jesus redeems people from among the nations and, at the end of time, God will gather together people for himself from every nation, tribe, people, and language to worship before God for eternity (Revelation 7:9).

Christmas Reminds Us of the Unfinished Task

While Christmas is good news for all peoples, there’s a sobering reminder that there are still people who have never heard this gospel. From the depths of Amazon to the heights of the Himalayas, there are people who will be born, live, and die without ever hearing the good news that is for all the people. These people are unreached by the gospel and will never hear the gospel unless something changes. 

As we celebrate the arrival of Jesus, let’s spread the gospel message to those who have yet to hear. If you want to leverage your life to spread this good news, here are three ways to start.

Pray for the Unreached People Groups and Those Working Among Them

Take time this Christmas to pray for those who have never heard the gospel. Ask the Lord to send missionaries to these places who will proclaim the gospel and establish healthy churches that will make the gospel known for generations to come. 

Pray for Christians serving among the unreached to be strengthened and fruitful in their ministry efforts. Ask your church how you can get involved in supporting global missions financially, helping to care for missionaries sent by your church, or going on a short-term mission trip. Consider supporting Radical’s work to meet urgent needs like supporting church planting in Okinawa, Japan, and Delhi, India.

Share the Gospel with the Nations in Your Neighborhood

When my Indian friend asked me about this very question, I was grateful for the opportunity to share the gospel with him. Ordinary moments like these remind us of God’s cosmic plans to bring all nations to Himself.

So I’d like to invite you to consider how you can share the gospel with immigrants, refugees, and internationals who live in your neighborhood. In the past few weeks, my wife and I have met international students from Iran and Nepal who are living in the United States. These are students who are from countries with governments opposed to the gospel. It would be incredibly difficult for us to go to Tehran or Kathmandu, but the Lord has brought these friends into our own city.

Wherever the Lord leads you to serve, let’s leverage our lives for the spread of this good news.

Cole Shiflet

Cole Shiflet and his wife Courtney are members of Redeemer Community Church, where Cole serves as Director of Global Missions. He is also an M.Div. student at Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Alabama.


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