Why Should a Non-Christian Care about Easter? - Radical

Why Should a Non-Christian Care about Easter?

Why Should a Non-Christian Care about Easter? What sets it apart from any other religious holiday? In this article, Pastor David Platt argues that Easter confronts us with the question of whether Jesus actually rose from the dead. Pastor Platt explains that we live in a world that sees all religions the same. We are free to choose any religion that works best for us. However, Pastor Platt points out that this subjectivity avoids the question of truth altogether. A belief that is unmoored from truth is no belief at all. On the other hand, the story of Easter makes the bold claim that Jesus rose from the dead and that his followers will be raised too. The implications of this question are eternally significant for Christians and non-Christians alike.

  1. What is Truth?
  2. Did Jesus Rise From the Dead?
  3. Eternal Implications

Why should non-Christians even care about Easter?

Why should non-Christians even care about Easter? Well, if you’re not a Christian, here is why I would encourage you to care about Easter. This is the exact same thing I say to friends of mine who are not Christians, we live in a day where religion is looked at as a matter of preference or opinion. People say things like, “All religions are fundamentally the same, they’re just superciliously different. So choose whatever works best for you or feels right for you.”

And along the way, the question of truth is totally avoided, which is a huge mistake, and belief is irresponsible and empty if it’s not based in truth. People say, “Well truth is subjective, it’s a matter of preference or feeling. Something may be true for you, but not true for me.”

We say things like that, but we don’t really believe it. Think about it, we don’t want to go to the bank today and say, “I need to withdraw money from my account.” And hear the teller respond to us, “Well, I don’t feel like you have money in your account.” We would say, “I don’t care what you feel, I know I have money in my account and I want to withdraw it.”

We don’t want that teller to look back at us and say, “Well, that may be true for you, but it’s not true for me.” The reality is, either we have money in our account or we don’t. Regardless of what whoever feels, this is an issue of truth. And the last thing we want banks doing today is giving out money based on how they feel.

Now, that’s a simple example, but there are thousands of others just like it in the details of our lives every day. So why? Why when it comes to the most important questions in life, questions that deal with grand realities that affect eternity, why would we want to throw truth out the window then.

Should non-Christians Care About the Ressurection of Jesus?

And here’s why this is so important at Easter. The question that Easter confronts all of us with is this, did Jesus rise from the dead? And that is a question of truth, not of preference or feeling, either he did or he didn’t. And the true answer to that question affects all of us. If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, then Christians have based their entire lives on a lie.

The bible even says to non-Christians, pity followers of Jesus, if he didn’t rise from the grave, feel sorry for them. But, if Jesus did rise from the dead, if he did what no one else has ever done, he conquered death, then however you respond to him determines what happens to you when you die. It determines whether or not you have eternal life.

Has Anyone Conquered Death?

The Canadian scientist, G. B. Hardy said it best when he said, “When I looked at religion, I had two questions. One, has anybody ever conquered death? And two, if they have, did they make a way for me to conquer death? I checked the tomb of Buddha and it was occupied, I checked the tomb of Confucius and it was occupied. And I checked the tomb of Mohammed and it was occupied. And I came to the tomb of Jesus and it was empty, and I said, there is one who conquered death. I asked a second question, did he make a way for me to do it? And I opened the Bible and discovered that he said, because I live, you shall live also.”

The claim of Easter is that Jesus has conquered death and he has made the only way for you and me to have eternal life. So based on what’s at stake, I would encourage any non-Christians to dive deep into an answer to this question, did Jesus rise from the dead? Based on truth, not preference or feeling. Knowing that the implications of this question are eternally important, not just for Christians but for non-Christians as well.

David Platt

David Platt serves as a Lead Pastor for McLean Bible Church. He is also the Founder of Radical, an organization that helps people follow Jesus and make him known in their neighborhood and all nations.

David received his B.A. from the University of Georgia and M.Div., Th.M., and Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Some of his published works include Radical, Radical Together, Follow Me, Counter Culture, Something Needs to Change, and Don’t Hold Back.

He lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area with his wife and children.


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