The Commission is our newsletter with curated stories and exclusive content to help you make your life count forever by following Jesus and making him known.
What to expect
Letters from our founder, David Platt, aimed to help you follow Jesus and make disciples.
Exclusive offers and access to other content from Radical-from events to books to Q&A’s and more.
Behind the scenes stories and insights from our Neighborhoods & Nations team.
Updates from believers around the world on the frontlines of ministry.
Exclusive Stories
3 Great Commission Statistics That Should Concern Us
How Often Should Churches Visit Those They’ve Sent?
North Korea - Christians multiply in spite of being outlawed
Why should Christians pray if God is sovereign?
Spain - A missions hub to itself and its region
France - Gospel conversations of olympic proportions
How College Students Can Make the Gospel Known This Summer
India - takes first for the world’s most populous country, surpassing China last year
When Christians Were Atheists