The Household of God: A Study in 1 Timothy - Radical
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The Household of God: A Study in 1 Timothy

In this sermon series on 1 Timothy, Pastor David Platt reminds Christians that the church is at the center of God’s purposes for the world. That’s why Paul’s instructions to a young pastor named Timothy are so critical for the people of God in all ages.

The church’s defense of the gospel, its prayers, its leadership, and its holiness are all addressed in this exposition of 1 Timothy. As the “pillar and buttress of the truth,” the church needs to know how to hold fast to the gospel in a sinful world.

  1. The Household of God
  2. Undeserving Sinners United and Sustained by Unfathomable Mercy
  3. Global Prayer in the Local Church
  4. What About Women, Paul?
  5. The Family of God
  6. Caring for Elders, Caring for the Church
  7. What About Slavery, Paul?
  8. The Gospel and Materialism
  9. The Church at War
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