The Lord on High is Mighty (Psalm 93:3–4) - Radical

The Lord on High is Mighty (Psalm 93:3–4)

“The floods have lifted up, oh Lord. The floods have lifted up their voice. The floods lift up their roaring, mightier than the thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea. The Lord on high is mighty.”
– Psalm 93:3–4

I love Psalm 93:3–4. As a reminder, we are praying specifically for different people and situations involved in this coronavirus pandemic right now around the world. As people are sending in prayer requests at, we invite you to send in specific ways we can be praying for you each day, taking God’s word and just letting it lead us to pray for one another. There have been numerous prayer requests sent in by people who are either pregnant moms or others who know someone who is pregnant, who is about to have a baby, and has all kinds of concerns during this time.

Today we pray for those who are preparing to have babies during this pandemic. We cry out to the God who is sovereign over all.

I’ll read some of them. Heather says, “I’m due with my fourth child in the next couple of weeks. I’m fighting against fear surrounding the idea of having a baby at the hospital, possibly alone, and all the unknowns after that.” Mary says, “Please pray for my son, Aaron, and daughter-in-law Jamie, who are due this week to have their baby. Pray for their protection, peace, ultimately salvation.” Shane says, “My wife, Mimi, is 37 weeks pregnant and is very nervous about the hospitals being overwhelmed in the next couple of weeks here in Virginia.

Please pray for her health and all of us around her, me and four boys, as well as obviously the birth of our next child.” And then Linda says, “My daughter-in-law is pregnant due any time, as well as my pastor’s wife, she’s being induced on Saturday.” So numerous people in this circumstance and it’s a powerful picture. It’s why Psalm 93:3–4 comes to my mind.

Praise God For Being The Mightiest In The Entire World

It’s a powerful picture when we are surrounding ourselves with stories of sickness and death. Reminding us that God is still the author of life, that he is bringing people to life every day. He’s bringing babies who for months he has been forming them in their mother’s wombs. He is bringing them into the world day, by day, by day. That’s why Psalm 93:3–4 comes to mind because the Psalm is talking about how floodwaters are roaring. And so the picture, just imagine the ocean waves that are just in a torrential fashion roaring. With the wind and the waves beating down.

And then verse four says, “But mightier than that, mightier than thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea. The Lord on high is mighty.” Yes, we may be surrounded by sickness, by death, and even that which seems to be out of control. But don’t forget during these days that the Lord on high is mighty, he is mightier, that the author of life is mightier, that the author of life is mighty over death.

Praise God For What He Does For Us Everyday

Ultimately illustrated in the gospel where we see Jesus die on a cross for our sins and three days later rise again. God, we praise you, based on Psalm 93, as the one who is mightier, mightier than anything in this world, mightier than anyone. You, oh Lord on high, you are all mighty. All might and all power belong to you. We praise you for how every day right now you are showing your power over death. We praise you for how every day right now you are showing your power and bringing children to life and boys and girls that you’ve been forming together in their mother’s womb, bring that pregnancy to full term in a way that resounds to your glory.

Psalm 93:3–4 Prays For Those Having Babies During The Pandemic

And so God, we pray. We pray for Heather. We pray for Jamie. Pray for Mimi. We pray for Linda’s daughter-in-law and others who may be listening right now or others who may be coming to our mind right now. This pastor’s wife, who Linda mentioned, God for each woman right now who is preparing to have a baby. God, we pray that you would indeed calm their fears and grant them peace that is only found in your might, your power that is only found in your might, in your power, in your protection, in your provision.

Oh God, when it seems like the waves and the storms are out of control around them. There are all kinds of challenges that are unique during these days. So may each of these women know. May their husbands know. May their family members know. Make it clear to all, that you are mightier.

You are the Lord of hosts. God we pray, even more than just on a physical level, and women giving birth. So God, we pray that you would give new birth, new life to people during these days. God, that you would show amidst a world of sickness and death. That the power of the gospel, your might to save sinners for all of eternity. God, we praise you as the author of physical life, as the author of spiritual eternal life, and we rest in you because you are indeed mightier than the thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea. You are mightier than viruses. You are mightier than sickness. Mightier than death. You are the Lord on high and you are all mighty, and we worship you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

David Platt

David Platt serves as a Lead Pastor for McLean Bible Church. He is also the Founder of Radical, an organization that helps people follow Jesus and make him known in their neighborhood and all nations.

David received his B.A. from the University of Georgia and M.Div., Th.M., and Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Some of his published works include Radical, Radical Together, Follow Me, Counter Culture, Something Needs to Change, and Don’t Hold Back.

He lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area with his wife and children.


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