“But the Lord had not said that he would blot out the name of Israel from under heaven so he saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son of Jehoash.”
– 2 Kings 14:27
What a picture. Saved by the word of the Lord. The only way Israel was saved according to 2 Kings 14:27 is because God had said so. And God is faithful to his word. Do you see the biblical truth here in 2 Kings 14:27? Were it not for the word of God and God’s faithfulness to his Word, then salvation would not be possible. That’s, for sure, true in my life. The only reason I have experienced salvation is because God’s word is true and He is faithful to it. This is true in your life. The only way you can experience salvation from sin, eternal life, is if God’s word is true and if He is faithful to it.
The only way you can experience salvation from sin is if God’s Word is true and if He is faithful to it.
I think about one of my kids who wrote something just this last week, where he titled it, How Jesus Christ Has Saved Us. He basically just shared the gospel. And as I’m reading 2 Kings 14:27, I’m thinking about what that gospel is, how God loved us enough to send his son Jesus, to die on cross for our sins, that through faith in Him, we might be forgiven of all our sins and filled with His spirit and reconciled to relationship with Him. That reconciliation, that salvation from sin, is only possible based on the word of God and God’s faithfulness to His word.
2 Kings 14:27 Leads Us to Praise God
So, we pray. All glory be to your name, oh God, for your Word. For your Word that saves us. Oh God, we cannot save ourselves. We praise you for your Word. We praise you for people who proclaimed it to us. And we praise you for those who have shared the gospel with us, for those who have led us to salvation in your Word. And even as we praise You for them, we praise that You would make us those kind of people in others’ lives. That You would use our lives to proclaim your Word to them.
This Verse Leads Us to Pray for the Unreached
Right around this, God, we pray that you would help us today to proclaim your word, to share your word about salvation, to share the gospel with other people around us. God, we pray for people around the world who have never heard the Word about how you save. God, we pray for the Adyghe, people of Syria. Please cause the Word of your salvation to be made known among the Adyghe of Syria and every people group in the world. God, that they might know salvation.
God, we praise You for your faithfulness to your Word. We know here in 2 Kings 14:27 that the only way that Israel was not destroyed is because of the Word you had decreed and because of your faithfulness to your Word. And God, we know the same is true in each of our lives, in any of our lives.
That any of us, that the only reason any of us can experience salvation, will experience full and ultimate and final salvation and glorification in You is because of your Word and your faithfulness to it. God, we love your Word. We thank you for your Word. God, we praise You for the salvation we find in your Word and your faithfulness to it. We put all of our trust in You and your Word today. In Jesus’ name, we pray according to 2 Kings 14:27. Amen.