Humble Dependence (Psalm 105:4) - Radical

Humble Dependence (Psalm 105:4)

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Seek the Lord and his strength. Seek his presence continually!
– Psalm 105:4

You ever feel tired? Do you ever feel exhausted? Do you ever feel overwhelmed? You ever feel weak? Do you ever feel like you’re not sure what to do?

Psalm 105:4 Encourages Us to Seek the Lord’s Power

I’m guessing we’re all familiar with these emotions, with these feelings and this reality. And by that I mean weakness is not just a feeling every once in a while. Weakness is a reality in our lives. We are all dependent people. We’re dependent on God for our breath, for our heart beating, for food, for water, for sustenance on a daily basis. We are dependent on God for the ability to think and reason and make decisions, the ability to work. Everything that we are able to do is because God enables us to do it Now, his grace with his power, with his strength.

So let’s acknowledge the reality that we are in and of ourselves weak and God is strong. So let us live then every day to do Psalm 105:4. Seek the Lord and his strength to come before him every morning and to say, I need your new mercies today. I need your strength. God, I need your help. I need you in all these ways. And to know that God delights in being our strength, that God delights in being our help in giving us all that we need.

So seek the Lord and his strength and seek his presence continually. Like all day long. God, I need you. Lord, help me. God, I look to you. And as we seek the Lord and seek his presence continually, he promises to give us his strength. Is this not one of the most well-known verses in the New Testament? I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, all things I’m able to do through the strength of Christ.

Psalm 105:4 Acknowledges Our Weakness

So we pray, God, especially when we feel weak, when we feel tired and exhausted, I think of so many journal entries in my own life where the first words I’m writing down are, I’m tired, I’m exhausted. I don’t know what to do. I praise you for your strength that meets me, that meets us in those moments.

And in this reality, God, in our lives, we confess in prayer before you today that we are weak and we need your strength. We need your help. God, we need your provision. We are totally dependent on you, and we praise you as the everlasting, omnipotent, strong God who is dependent on no one. God, we praise you that you don’t need us, that you don’t need anyone or anything, that you are all sufficient in and of yourself. And we praise you for graciously being our sufficiency, for graciously providing for us.

I pray that over people today listening to this right now, who feel weak, who feel tired, who feel exhausted, who feel at the end of themselves that they would know your strength is for them today. And God, even for those who don’t feel weak, I pray that you would help us to acknowledge the reality of our weakness and to seek your strength and your presence continually.

Praying for the Mussali People

Oh God, we pray for people who don’t know to seek you in this way, who don’t know that they can do all things through Christ who strengthens them because they’ve never heard the good news of Jesus Christ. God, for the Mussali people of Pakistan, 2.7 million of them classified as untouchables working the worst types of jobs, God in their physical suffering and in their spiritual separation from you. We pray for your mercy over the Mussali people, God, that you would strengthen them.

You would cause the good news of your grace and your love in Christ to spread to them. God, we pray for the salvation of the Mussali people of Pakistan, and we pray that you would cause your strength in us to spread the good news of your grace to them. And we love you. God. We praise you for Psalm 105:4, and today we seek you and your strength. We seek your presence continually. In Jesus name, we pray this. Amen.


David Platt

David Platt serves as a Lead Pastor for McLean Bible Church. He is also the Founder of Radical, an organization that helps people follow Jesus and make him known in their neighborhood and all nations.

David received his B.A. from the University of Georgia and M.Div., Th.M., and Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Some of his published works include Radical, Radical Together, Follow Me, Counter Culture, Something Needs to Change, and Don’t Hold Back.

He lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area with his wife and children.


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