And now do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life.
– Genesis 45:5
I will never forget, as long as God gives me memory… The moment when I read this verse in my time alone with him one day. When I was struggling with being treated unfairly, unjustly in a particular circumstance. And I couldn’t understand why, and I was frustrated. I read this verse. And it just immediately brought me literally to my knees. Because I realized that God was using even that injustice to bring about good.
Genesis 45:5 teaches us about God’s sovereignty over evil.
That’s exactly what Joseph is saying here in this verse. He’s telling his brothers who sold him into slavery… Which led to imprisonment and injustice on a level I can’t even imagine. He looks at them and says, “Don’t be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here. Because you did that, you did sell me here. That was evil, unjust, but God sent me here before you to preserve life.”
How does this work? The mystery of divine providence that people act in evil ways. Joseph’s brother sold him into slavery, that was sin, but over and above, even that sin, God works. God was working specifically in Joseph’s life to bring about preservation of life for his brothers. Like, “Oh, how does this happen?” Only in the wise counsel of God. In the wise sovereignty of God, who controls ultimately all things. So that all things might work together for the good of those who love him. And trust him and walk with him.
Be encouraged today. As you look at your life in the past. And as you look at your life in the future. Be encouraged that God is ultimately working all things, even unjust things. He will work together for good to those who love him, to those who are called according to his purpose, and what’s that purpose? To be conformed in the image of Jesus, to experience the fullness of life in Jesus forever.
Genesis 45:5 illustrates God’s control over our darkest moments.
God’s working on all things together for your good in that way, so we say in prayer: Oh God, we trust in you. Just like Joseph said to his brothers, “You sold me here, but God sent me here, because he had a bigger purpose and plan than anyone could have imagined.” Oh God, we trust all that you see, which we don’t see, all that you know that we don’t know. We trust your wisdom that is infinitely more than our wisdom, your perspective that sees all things, knows all things, and your promise to work all things together for your good purposes.
God, help us to trust in you in every moment in our lives, even the darkest moments in our lives, God help us to trust in you for you are trustworthy. We think about you, Jesus, being sentenced to die on a cross as people committed evil and injustice against you in a way none of us can fathom.
And yet, the Father was over it all working for our salvation, for us to have eternal life today, for us to have this confidence in prayer right now. Oh God, you are infinitely trustworthy, so help us to trust in you, and the plans and purposes that you are accomplishing even amidst a world of evil and injustice. Oh God, all glory be to your name, that you work all things together for our good.
God, help us, we pray, to believe this and to share this. To share this with people around us today of the King who has overcome evil with good, who has died on the cross for our sins and risen from the dead.
Prayer for the Sale Mala People of India
God, help us to spread this good news all around the world for the Sale Mala people of India, for the almost 150,000 of these Hindu men, women, and children, God, that they would be reached with the good news of your love. Please, oh God, cause the Sale Mala people of India to be saved by your grace in Jesus. We pray all this according to your Word, which we love in Genesis 45:5. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.