Funding - Radical
 3.2 billion people will live and die without hearing the good news of Jesus. Let’s change that together >>> Give Now. Make Jesus Known >>>

Radical Funding

Why Radical?

Jesus calls us to make His glory known among all nations by making disciples and multiplying churches. Being on mission is not a program, but the calling of our lives as Christians.

However, 3.2 billion people are currently unreached with the gospel, and many of them endure unimaginable suffering. And, only 1% of mission dollars and 3% of missionaries go to the unreached. Something has to change.

Radical exists to help people make their lives count by following Jesus and making him known in their neighborhood and all nations.

How is Radical’s work funded?

  • Contributions: Radical is supported financially by the generous giving of individuals and partnering organizations.
  • Royalties: All of the royalties from David Platt’s published works go toward promoting the glory of Christ in all nations. Radical is one of the ways this is accomplished.
  • Events & Resources: Additional support for Radical comes through events and the sale of resources.

Giving to Radical

While we urge you to make your local church your first priority in giving, we would be honored if you would also partner with us financially as we seek to make biblical resources available to Christ’s church among the nations. Join Us in This Work!