15 Quotes on Prayer and Fasting - Radical
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15 Quotes on Prayer and Fasting

Fifteen Quotes on Prayer and Fasting

During Secret Church 19, David Platt taught on 125 passages dealing with “Prayer, Fasting, and the Pursuit of God.” In this message, he provides fifteen quotes on prayer and fasting.

Quotes on Prayer

“Prayer will not be very satisfying if you don’t want God.”

“The more we pursue God in all of His glory, the more we reflect God in every facet of our lives.”

“Our relationship with God in prayer should look like a consuming addiction in our lives, not a convenient addition to our lives.”

“God delights in revealing Himself to those who are bold enough to bother Him.”

“Devotion to prayer springs from dependence on God’s power, desperation for God’s grace, and dedication to God’s mission.”

“We pray with confidence that God will accomplish His purpose by spreading His praise among all peoples.”

“Our goal in prayer is not ultimately to get things from God. Our goal in prayer is ultimately to know, love, and enjoy God.”

“We do not shrink back from challenges in mission here and around the world; we face them boldly because we know how this story is going to end.”

“Prayer is for the accomplishment of mission … and if we’re not using it that way, we’re missing God’s design for prayer.”

Quotes on Fasting

“We fast to seek and submit to God’s will.”

“Our spiritual need for God is far more fundamental than our physical need for food and water.”

“In fasting, what we are saying is that more than we enjoy food, we enjoy God.”

“Fasting is feasting on fellowship with God.”

“Our leader, our head, is head over all, and He has said, ‘My resources are at Your disposal to use for the accomplishment of my mission in the world.’”

“Those who celebrate the ascension of the King now crave the consummation of the kingdom.”

“One day, all of our praying and all of our fasting in pursuit of God will culminate in the goal of our salvation: everlasting, uninterrupted, uninhibited, unimaginable, indescribable, all-satisfying, communion with God.”

Read more quotes about prayer and fasting from David Platt.

Eric Roberts is the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Hoover. Eric and his wife Morgan live in Birmingham, Alabama.


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