In Their Own Words: Prayer Requests From Persecuted Malay - Radical
 Secret Church Happens April 11. Register Soon to Get Your Study Guide Shipped in Time.  Secret Church Happens April 11. Register Soon to Get Your Study Guide Shipped in Time.
 Secret Church Happens April 11. Register Soon to Get Your Study Guide Shipped in Time.  Secret Church Happens April 11. Register Soon to Get Your Study Guide Shipped in Time.

In Their Own Words: Prayer Requests From Persecuted Malay

After Secret Church 18 participants wrote letters to persecuted believers in Malaysia, a team from Open Doors was able to deliver these letters personally to a church in the country. The response of these persecuted Malay believers was one of overwhelming humility and gratitude. They were grateful that fellow believers across the globe had heard about the persecution they face, and that they were being prayed for.

Prayers from Persecuted Malay Believers

Some of these persecuted believers wanted to share their prayer requests, which you will see in their own handwriting below. It’s easy to become so preoccupied with the busyness and regular routine of life that we lose sight of the needs of the body of Christ throughout the world. But the gospel is going forth and bearing fruit, even in the most difficult contexts. Please remember the church in Malaysia and these petitions of our brother and sisters in Christ.

This underground church leader longs for the church to remain in total dependence on the Spirit of God who has given them new life rather than relying on their own power. Along with enduring the constant threat of persecution, these believers are also dealing with sickness, sorrows, and the mundane difficulties of living in a fallen world.

It is encouraging to hear from someone so zealous for the gospel to be made fully known in Malaysia.

Praying for Muslims in Malaysia

Will you pray for the Muslims in Malaysia? Will you pray that God will use the Christians there to share the good news of Christ and that many Muslims will turn from sin and trust in Christ?  In a place where it would be convenient to fall back into fear, lift up these brothers and sisters in prayer and ask God that they may revel in the spirit of adoption they have received as children of God.

The Cost of Following Christ in Malaysia

Let’s not forget the cost of following Christ in Malaysia. Turning from sin and trusting in Christ means forsaking the government, family, and friends, as well as what it means to be Malay. Pray that the families of these believers will not be hostile towards them but will testify to the goodness of God’s work through them. Pray for their comfort in Christ, even when friends and family oppose them, and ask God to give them the courage to engage their families with the message of the cross and resurrection of Christ.

In light of these specific prayer requests, let’s intercede on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Malaysia, asking God for more workers to live among them. The harvest is plentiful.

Eric Roberts is the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Hoover. Eric and his wife Morgan live in Birmingham, Alabama.


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