How Did the Gospel Get to India? - Radical

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How Did the Gospel Get to India?

Out of a population of over 1.4 billion, 32.4 million people in India claim to be Christians. As we consider the Church today, we can gain insight by looking back in history to see how and when the gospel was first brought to Indians. So, how did India get to this point?

How Was the Gospel Brought to India?

There are various stories that claim to report who brought the gospel to India. The most prominent account is that the Apostle Thomas—also known as doubting Thomas from Scripture—first brought the gospel to southern India. 

Some historical records and traditions state that in 52 AD, Thomas came to the Malabar coast in Kerala and was later martyred by spear in 72 AD. The document known as the Acts of Thomas tells the story of Thomas coming to India, being imprisoned, and then preaching the gospel throughout India after he was freed from prison. But the Acts of Thomas is not included in the Bible. The early church rejected the document due to its Gnostic influences and reliance on legends. Still, many Christians in southern India trace their roots to the Apostle Thomas.

Whether the gospel first came to India by Thomas or other early Christians like David of Basra or John the Persian, we know the gospel came to India by the 2nd century. The theologian Pantaenus confirmed pre-existing Christian communities in India by the late 2nd century. How did he know? The communities already had the Gospel of Matthew prior to his arrival.

What Does the Church Look Like Today?

Today, India is the world’s most populated country, but Christians make up only two percent of the population. Officials in 12 of the 28 states in India have enacted anti-conversion laws prohibiting Christians from sharing the gospel and baptizing Indians from non-Christian backgrounds. 

India is the world’s most populated country, but Christians make up only two percent of the population.

Hinduism is the main religion of India, and Indian identity is often closely tied with being Hindu. Indians can face imprisonment or fines if they practice a religion outside of the four dharmic religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.

A majority of the country’s Chrisitans live in southern India and face less persecution. But many Christians in northern India do experience persecution for their faith, particularly from Hindu extremists and the government led by Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi. In May 2023, persecution in the northeastern state of Manipur resulted in almost 400 churches being burned or damaged, over 120 Christians killed, the sexual assault of two women, and over 10,000 fleeing their homes. Those who become Christians often face exile and persecution from their own family, friends, and communities. 

How Can You Pray for the Church in India?

As many Indian believers endure persecution, especially in northern India, pray for God to protect them and keep them strong in faith. Since some believers are cast out from their families and communities when they place their faith in Jesus, pray they will remember their identities are found in Christ, and that they are part of His family. Pray for churches to strengthen and encourage one another. Pray for more Indian believers to be equipped as leaders and to build their faith on a firm foundation.

Despite persecution and meager church presence in many areas of India, we can praise God for kingdom growth. And we can pray for more Indians to hear the gospel, to accept it as truth, and to be baptized into Christ’s church.

Selah Lipsey

Selah Lipsey is a Content Writer at Radical. She is a graduate of Samford University where she studied Journalism and Spanish. Selah and her husband Jeremy are members of Redeemer Community Church.


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