Faithful for Generations (Psalm 89:1) - Radical

Faithful for Generations (Psalm 89:1)

I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord forever. With my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.
– Psalm 89:1

So good. Just think about this Psalm playing out in your life, “To sing of the steadfast love of the Lord forever,” including today, sing of God’s steadfast love for you today, and do the same tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day.

Psalm 89:1 Encourages Us to Praise God for His Faithfulness

Take time to praise God and specifically to sing. It’s good to sing songs, that’s the whole picture in the Psalms, this is a song book, to sing continually about the steadfast love of God for you, the steadfast love of God for the world. Sing about this in your life regularly, knowing we’re going to sing like this forever because we’re going to be overwhelmed by his steadfast love forever.

And then the Psalmist writes, “And with my mouth, I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.” How are you making the faithfulness of God known to all generations? I want you to think about the people you know in the generations who’ve gone before you and in generations who are coming after you, and in people in your own generation.

Just think of all different age people that are in your life and your sphere of influence and think, how can I, with my mouth, make known the faithfulness of God to all those generations? Just think about people in your life of different ages relative to you and think, how can I tell them about the faithfulness of God? So not just, yes, thinking about the next generation, absolutely that, yes, think, how can I today make sure I am faithfully passing God’s word, good news of his faithfulness, on to the next generation.

Psalm 89:1 Challenges Us to Make God Known to those Around Us

But then think about people who are older than you. How can you, with your mouth, make known the faithfulness of God to them? And then think about your peers, people who are in the same generation as you are in, how can you, with your mouth, make known God’s faithfulness to them? Oh God, help us to faithfully do this. Even as I think about my own life right now, and different faces, different names coming to my mind, and different generations, God help me, help each of us to make your faithfulness known to all generations. Help us to live for this God, and to do so as we sing of your steadfast love in our lives. Oh God, we praise you for your steadfast love, for your constant mercy and goodness toward us.

If I had more confidence in my singing ability on a podcast, I would start singing right now. But when we finish this podcast, help us to sing, we want to turn on songs and just sing to you of your steadfast love, and help us to do that continually knowing we will do that, eternally we will sing of your steadfast love. Oh God, we pray that you would help us to do this not just among all generations, but among all generations in all nations.

Praying for the Tau’t Batu People

We pray specifically today for the Tau’t Batu people of the Philippines, the small unreached people group in the remote part of the Philippines. God, we pray that the Tau’t Batu, the oldest generation among the Tau’t Batu, and the youngest generation among the Tau’t Batu, and everywhere in between, that they would hear the good news of your steadfast love and your faithfulness, that they would be reached with that good news, God, that they might sing of your steadfast love forever with us. Oh God, bring it about among the Tau’t Batu, among all generations among them, and God, we pray, bring this about among all generations and all nations.

How do we think of older men and women who will meet you soon? God, please, for those who’ve never heard the gospel, cause the gospel to go to them, we pray. And for kids in unreached people groups, whose parents and grandparents have never been reached, God reach those parents and those grandparents and reach those kids with the good news of your love. We pray all of this in light of Psalm 89:1, we will sing of the steadfast love you have poured out on us forever, and with our mouths we pray you’d help us to make known your faithfulness to all generations. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

David Platt

David Platt serves as a Lead Pastor for McLean Bible Church. He is also the Founder of Radical, an organization that helps people follow Jesus and make him known in their neighborhood and all nations.

David received his B.A. from the University of Georgia and M.Div., Th.M., and Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Some of his published works include Radical, Radical Together, Follow Me, Counter Culture, Something Needs to Change, and Don’t Hold Back.

He lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area with his wife and children.


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