Amidst the many challenges that we face as believers—temptations to sin, opposition from the world, physical sickness, relational difficulties, etc.—we need to be regularly reminded to stand firm. However, as David Platt points out in this message from Philippians 4:1, our standing firm must be “in the Lord.” We cannot stand in our own strength or rely on our own wisdom. For the sake of our unity, our sanctification, and our faithfulness to Christ’s mission, we must look to God’s Word and rely on His Spirit.
Question 1
What is the significance of the command to “stand firm” in Paul’s letters?
Question 2
How do we stand firm in the Lords?
Question 3
Why must we see the church as a family? How does the New Testament describe the church as a family?
Question 4
In what did Paul find Joy? How is this applicable for us as Christians?
Question 5. How can we work to see others stand fast in the Lord?