Praying for Marriages (Psalm 99:6) - Radical

Praying for Marriages (Psalm 99:6)

“Moses and Aaron were among his priests. Samuel also was among those who called upon his name. They called to the Lord and he answered them.”
– Psalm 99:6

What a simple, beautiful, powerful picture in Psalm 99:6. A reminder that when we call to the Lord as his children, he answers us. He hears our cries. We see this over and over and over again to the Psalms. He hears our cries and he responds. Now, not always the exact way we ask or we even hope, but that’s where we trust. We’re speaking to a good father who’s all wise, all loving, omnipotent, omniscient, perfect in his character, faithful to his promises, accomplishing his purposes, which we know from his word good. We have such a privilege in prayer to call on the Lord and he answers us. So we’re just going to keep, just day by day, through this podcast, just based on God’s word, especially in these Psalms, call out to God and know that he answers.

During this stressful time we pray for all husbands and wives. We ask ask the Lord for grace, that they will grow in affection for Him and for one another.

So please keep sending in those prayer requests. I say that like we don’t have enough. There’s tons that are in there, but it’s so good just to read through and pray for all these different things even if we don’t get to all of them in this podcast. So Just looking for specific ways we can pray for different people in light of this pandemic. So things that relate to COVID-19.

I want to read today from Rebecca, and this is reflected in a variety of others that have been sent in, but Rebecca just summed it up really simply. She said, “Please pray for peace in marriages, in this quarantine period.”

Psalm 99:6 Praises God For This Privilege To Pray

For a healthy marriage, there are unique stresses and tensions and challenges that come at a time like this. Well, all the more so if there is already tension and stress and unhealth in a marriage. All the more so we need to call out to the Lord on behalf of … So we’ve prayed specifically for single brothers and sisters and for unique challenges that they may face during these times, and then we also need to pray for husbands and wives and unique challenges that marriages may face during these times. As we do, as we call out to the Lord, even right now, to know that he answers, to know that he answers.

So God, we praise you for this privilege. We just praise you for this privilege all day long that we get to pray. As different things come to our mind, we can call to you, you hear us and you answer. All glory be to your name for this privilege. Jesus, thank you for making this privilege possible.

Psalm 99:6 Prays For God’s Peace, Joy, And Strength In Our Marriages

We think especially this week as we remember you going to the cross and the curtain of the temple being torn into and the way He, made open for sinners to come into the presence of all the God through faith in you, through what you did on the cross for us. So thank you, thank you, thank you God for this privilege you’ve given us. So we call out right now together on behalf of marriages.

God, I pray for Rebecca’s marriage. God, I pray for your peace, for your joy, for your strength, for increasing intimacy with you and Rebecca and her husband, and increasing intimacy with one another. God, I pray for that over them. God, I pray for that for Heather and me. I prayed for that for every couple who is represented in this podcast right now. God, we ask for your help in our marriages. We pray that you’d help us to love our spouses well, help our husbands to love our wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. Help us to serve our wives well during these days. Help us to nourish and cherish them and build them up in Christ and do everything we can for their good.

We Pray For Wives During The Pandemic

God, we pray for wives. We pray that you’d help wives to lovingly, respectfully, in Ephesians five kind of way, that’s the language that you’ve given us there, to support and honor and love and care for their husbands. God, we pray that as all kinds of stresses, whether it’s physical sickness, whether it’s job loss, whether it’s just strains at home, God, we pray, we pray for your peace in marriages. God, we pray that during these days, you would draw husbands and wives closer to yourself and closer to one another. God, I just pray that over every marriage that is representing those who are listening right now. God, please, please bring increasing intimacy with you and increasing intimacy with one another.

Even as I think about the date night, makeshift date night that Heather and I tried to do last week, getting some takeout and setting up a candle and sitting there at the table and just trying to spend some time with each other, just talking about what all is going through our minds and hearts, God, I just pray, I pray over every couple for every marriage that you would give an extra measure of grace during these days, and God, I praise you that we can call out for you, call out to you right now these things and know that you hear us and you answer. So God, may it be so we pray. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

David Platt

David Platt serves as a pastor in metro Washington, D.C. He is the founder of Radical.

David received his Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is the author of Don’t Hold Back, Radical, Follow MeCounter CultureSomething Needs to ChangeBefore You Vote, as well as the multiple volumes of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series.

Along with his wife and children, he lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area.


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