Are You Tired? Come to Jesus - Radical

Are You Tired? Come to Jesus

Life can be exhausting. The pace at work or at school can feel unmanageable. Family dynamics require continual attention. Friendships take time and patience. And that doesn’t even begin to touch on physical struggles or medical and mental conditions that weigh us down. It’s no wonder so many people, including followers of Christ, are tired. The good news is that Jesus is not indifferent to our fatigue and anxiety and fear. In this message from Mark 2:23–3:6, David Platt points us to the rest that only Jesus can give. We find this rest—both now in the midst of earthly trials and for eternity in our never-ending reward—as we entrust our lives to Jesus as Lord.

If you have a Bible—and I hope you or somebody around you does that you can look on with—let me invite you to open with me to Mark 2:23. As you’re turning, I want to welcome you; online. t’s good to be together around God’s Word.

I want to start with a question. Is anybody here today tired? Maybe you’re physically tired. Maybe you had a long night, a long week or maybe many long days. Being from Atlanta, as a Braves fan, I’ve gotten considerably less sleep the last couple of weeks watching World Series games—but it was totally worth it. 

I think about some of you with young kids at home. It’s been a long time since you had a good night’s sleep. Others of you have children with special needs—or you have special needs—and it’s been years, if not decades, since you slept through the night. So I’m assuming there are a variety of people here today who are physically exhausted.

I’m not just talking about physical weariness. Some of you are emotionally tired—tired of worrying, exhausted from anxiety, maybe tired of being afraid. Some of you are tired of obsessive thoughts that won’t seem to slow down in your mind, or particular struggles that you can’t seem to get past in your life. Or maybe you’re tired of waiting for something to happen that doesn’t seem like it’s ever going to happen. 

Some of you may be relationally tired—tired of tension or conflict that won’t seem to go away. Maybe with a coworker, a church member, a friend or a family member. Maybe with a spouse, a child or a parent. Maybe you’re tired in school or work; some might even say you’re just tired in life. It may not necessarily be this one thing or that thing—just hard days. 

And some of you, if you’re honest, are like a friend of mine this last week, whom I hadn’t seen in a while. We were just catching up and he shared, “Most mornings I don’t want to even get out of bed.” For some of you, it was a fight to get here today, or maybe you stayed home and are watching online because you’re tired.

If all of these things aren’t enough, maybe this list is making you tired! Maybe you came in here just fine, but now that you think about it, you’re exhausted. “Thanks a lot, David. It was a fresh new day, until now.” 

Let me add one more possible dimension to this conversation. Do you ever feel spiritually tired? Tired of struggles with particular sins. Or maybe you have this constant sense that there’s more you could, or maybe should, be doing. You could or should be praying more, reading the Bible more, giving more, doing more. But you’re tired, so all these things seem like more work. Faith and following Jesus feels like work and you’re weary. I guess that’s the point in the end. Whether it’s physical, emotional, mental, relational or spiritual exhaustion, it’s tiring trying to do it all. This is a real struggle for most, if not all of us.

Let me illustrate. I’m going to ask a volunteer to join me up here. Josh, please start making your way over here. Josh is one of the seniors in our Rock student ministry. I want to brag for a moment on what God is doing in our Rock student ministry, specifically in some of these senior guys who recently came back from camp. They were already walking with the Lord before that, but they have just been fired up, following Jesus. It’s affecting them in their schools and it’s affecting this church.

It’s not just that they want to do all these awesome things here. Right after this worship gathering, Josh will be in Kids’ Quest, serving alongside other adults, pouring his life into younger kids, showing them the worth of Jesus. So, Josh, we are thankful for you. He is also a pretty athletic dud. He goes to South Lakes High School and I need somebody who is particularly athletic to take on a challenge today. 

This is a really simple challenge, Josh. All you have to do is keep a couple balloons in the air. How hard can that be? Each of these balloons will represent different facets of our lives. For example, this first balloon represents our spiritual life. Simple enough. We just want to keep that in the air. We want that to be healthy, right? Here we go. Just keep that in the air. That’s good. 

Okay, let’s just add one small, simple thing. You’ve got school to attend; some people have work. Maybe we have school and work. So we’re going to keep that in the air too, okay? There you go. You’re doing pretty good. All right, we’ve got two balloons in the air, but then we have a family. We want to make sure to keep family in the air. Family’s very important. So make sure to keep family in the air, Josh.

Then, do you want a little help. Let’s add some friends along the way; we certainly want to keep some close friends. There we go, man. Now that a few are starting to drop, I’m going to give you this one, just to feel guilty about the balloons that you’re dropping in your life right now. 

Now on top of that, I want to add just a few struggles in your life—maybe some emotional, spiritual or physical struggles that might come along. Oh man, you’re letting a lot of these fall. There’s some doubt, whether or not you can even handle all these things in your life. Let’s keep going. 

You want to keep healthy and exercise. Bro, you’ve got two balloons in the air. You want to eat healthy along the way. Like, make sure to stay organic. Then in the middle of it all, you need to rest; you need to get some sleep. 

Here’s some fear, because you can’t hold it all in the air. All you’ve got now is fear, bro. Now, wait a minute, I’ve got a couple more. Here’s some social media. You’ve got to keep that in check, while everything else is falling. Here’s one thing I almost forgot—a pandemic! Let’s give you a pandemic. So put some masks and vaccines in that…and there you go. Josh, you’ve got fear and a pandemic left in your life. 

Let’s give it up for Josh. Wow! Look, we’ve got a balloon down over here and there’s a baby playing with it. That’s priceless. She’s going to be so sad if you take that away.

Do you get the point? It’s no wonder that it’s so tiring to keep it all together, right? We’re tired trying to keep this or that from falling, trying to get it all right.

But what if I told you today that, in the middle of all of this, rest is possible? What if I told you that the God Who made you desires rest for you? What if one of the reasons He sent Jesus was to make supernatural rest a surprising reality in your life? What if that’s true? Some of you may doubt or don’t believe rest is possible amidst everything in your life in this world. If that’s you—whether you’re a follower of Jesus, or not—I invite you, anybody who’s tired, to listen particularly to this story in the book of Mark. Actually, it’s two stories back-to-back. We’re going to start in Mark 2:23, reading all the way into the beginning of chapter three, verse six. While we read through this, I want you to count how many times you see the word “Sabbath”—the Hebrew word for rest—in these two short stories: 

23 One Sabbath he was going through the grainfields, and as they made their way, his disciples began to pluck heads of grain. 24 And the Pharisees were saying to him, “Look, why are they doing what is not lawful on the Sabbath?” 25 And he said to them, “Have you never read what David did, when he was in need and was hungry, he and those who were with him: 26 how he entered the house of God, in the time of Abiathar the high priest, and ate the bread of the Presence, which it is not lawful for any but the priests to eat, and also gave it to those who were with him?” 27 And he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. 28 So the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.”

3 Again he entered the synagogue, and a man was there with a withered hand. And they watched Jesus, to see whether he would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse him. And he said to the man with the withered hand, “Come here.” And he said to them, “Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to kill?” But they were silent. And he looked around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, and said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was restored. The Pharisees went out and immediately held counsel with the Herodians against him, how to destroy him.

How about that? What in these stories is worthy of being destroyed? Notice, in these two short stories, we see this picture of Sabbath rest how many times? Seven times, right? Now, let’s get a little background here. This is a word in the Bible that goes all the way back to the beginning of creation. We won’t have time to turn to all these places, but let me just show you a few. The second chapter of the Bible tells us that when the heavens and the earth were finished, then He rested on the seventh day. “So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all His work that He had done in creation.” That word in the very beginning of the Bible is the word from which we get “Sabbath” in Mark 2 and 3. So here in Genesis 2, why would God tell us about Him resting? After all, it’s not like God ever gets tired; He’s all-powerful. It’s not like God can take a day off from upholding the universe. If God did that, we would cease to exist. 

Keep going to the next book of the Bible and we’ll see that God was instilling a pattern into the very fabric of creation for all of us to follow. In Exodus 20—out of all ten commandments—only one starts with the word, “Remember,” as God directs our attention back to Genesis 1 and says, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” That word “holy” means set apart. “Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath” —a day of rest—“to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work…for in six days the Lord made…and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy” (Genesis 20:8–11).

God says, “I’ve created you, not just to work—yes, that—but I’ve also created you to rest.” Just think about that reality in general. God didn’t have to create you and me this way, right? Think about rest. Think about sleep. Why did God design us to need sleep? You and I sleep for about a third of our lives. A third of our lives is spent like we’re dead. God did not have to do that. We’re made in His image and He doesn’t sleep, so why do we have to sleep? Just think of all we could do, accomplish, experience and enjoy if we didn’t have to sleep. 

Obviously there are reasons behind why God created us to need sleep or rest. When you look in the Bible, you learn that one of the reasons, if not the primary reason, is to remind us that we are not God. We are not all-powerful. We are not self-sufficient. I love how John Piper describes this:

Sleep is a daily reminder from God that we are not God. Once a day, God sends us to bed like patients with a sickness. That sickness is a chronic tendency to think that we are in control and that our work is indispensable. To cure us of this disease, God turns us into helpless sacks of sand once a day. How humiliating to the self-made corporate executive, that he or she has to give up all control and become as limp as a suckling infant every single day.

Are you seeing this? From the very beginning of creation, to the very first set of commandments God gives, to the very design of our bodies, God has created us for rest. He calls us to rest and not just physically. Yes, God designed us to rest from work on a weekly basis, but think of all the other ways God has designed us to experience rest:

  • God desires you to experience rest from fear—1 John 4:18. 
  • God desires you to experience rest from all worry, to be free and not to worry about anything—Matthew 6. 
  • God desires you to experience rest from all anxiety about anything—Philippians 4:6–7. 
  • God desires you to experience rest from sin—Romans 6:18. 
  • God desires you to experience rest from efforts to save yourself from sin—that’s throughout the whole book of Galatians. 

More than all that, God desires you to experience rest from endless efforts to satisfy yourself in this world, from endless running after money, positions, possessions and pleasures in this world, thinking, “This will satisfy me or that will do it,” then coming up empty. God says to His people in Jeremiah 2:13, “You don’t have to keep drinking water from broken cisterns that don’t hold water, when I will completely satisfy your soul.” I can keep going on and on with other Scripture.

God desires you to experience rest from having to control everything around you, particularly in the middle of challenges around you. Psalms 116:7 says, “Return, O my soul, to your rest.” Think back to our illustration with balloons. God desires you to experience rest from trying to hold up everything and get everything right. 

Which brings us back to these stories in Mark. With all this background in the Bible about God’s design and desire for you and me to experience rest, we come to this story of Jesus walking with His disciples on the Sabbath day. His disciples are hungry, so they pluck some heads of grain to get something to eat. Now some Pharisees are following them. As soon as the disciples take that grain into their hands, the Pharisees say, “Why are you doing that? That’s not lawful on the Sabbath.”

Now, we need to get into the minds of these guys. Remember, these are religious students, teachers and defenders of God’s law who try to apply God’s law to every single detail of life, believing that is the key to earning favor with God. They are what we would call legalistic. They think life in relationship with God—a good and right life before God—consists of getting everything right, keeping all the balloons in the air. They are meticulous about everything they need to get right, keeping all kinds of rules that go beyond even what the Bible says, imposing them on everybody else. They are zealous about putting and keeping a lot of balloons in the air at the same time—with no exceptions. 

So Jesus tells them this story about David in the Old Testament, when he was in need. He was hungry, going into the tabernacle and eating a piece of bread with his men—which was something reserved only for the priest to do—but it was okay in that instance, because they were hungry. These Pharisees were missing the point of the law. Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” In other words, God’s commands are for our good, not our misery, including God’s command for us to rest. 

“I know this,” Jesus says, “because I’m the One Who gave the command. I am Lord of the Sabbath.” Now, that was a massive statement for Jesus to make. Lord of the Sabbath? Like in charge of the Sabbath day? Jesus is the Lord of rest? Do you realize what a shocking statement this was? Statements like this are why they wanted to kill Him. Jesus just said, “I’m the Author of rest. I’m the Ruler and Lord of rest.” 

Now we’re getting to why this story was so revolutionary for these Pharisees to hear, and why it is so revolutionary for you and me to hear. This story is making clear that rest is not found in getting everything right in your life. If it is, we are all hopeless, aren’t we? Who of us can get it all right? Living like we can is a recipe for unrest, for unrelenting weariness, for all the things we’ve already mentioned. Trying to get it all right leads to worry, anxiety, stress, fear, frustration, failure and unfulfillment because you’ll never get there. 

What if rest is not found in getting everything right in your life? What if rest is found in entrusting everything in your life to Jesus as Lord? That is revolutionary truth. I pray that God would give you eyes to see it, ears to hear it and hearts to believe it. I pray that you, right where you’re sitting, can find supernatural rest for your soul in Jesus as Lord of your life.

Let me put another picture in your mind, a biblical picture that comes straight from Psalm 131. I think about a particularly challenging time in my life; I won’t go into all the details here, but there was a lot of confusion, temptation to worry and fear. I remember reading Psalm 131:1–2 in my quiet time one day, and it hit me. It was clear, like God was speaking His Word over my heart. 

O Lord, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me. But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.


Do you see this biblical picture? “Like a weaned child with its mother.” Picture a baby sleeping in a mother’s arms, not worried about anything in the world, totally content. That kind of calm and quiet is what God desires for you and me. In the middle of it all, a calm and quiet rest from worry, fear and whatever else.

You might think, “Yeah, but I’m not sleeping through all these things in my life. I actually have to go to work or school. I have to engage with this relationship. I have to deal with this struggle. I want to do what God commands me to do.” Yes to all of these things, but the point is, rest, calm and quiet are only possible in the middle of these things as you trust Jesus as the Lord of your life and the Lord over those things. 

Mark 2 and How You can rest in Jesus’ lordship over everything. 

Hear what God’s Word is teaching us about living. I use this term “living” in light of all that life entails, physically, emotionally, relationally, spiritually; with school, work, family, friends; through struggles, pandemic and whatever else. As you live, how can you rest? You can rest in Jesus’ lordship over everything. Jesus is Lord.

I’ve had a variety of conversations recently with Muslim friends and a couple of Muslim Uber drivers—all of whom have told me that Jesus is a great man, a great Teacher and a great Prophet. I’ve shared with each of them that is not true. Jesus is not just a great man, Teacher or Prophet. Jesus is Lord. There’s a big difference. Jesus is God in the flesh.

This is the point over and over again in the book of Mark. Jesus is Lord over it all. He is Lord over sickness. He’s Lord over suffering. He’s Lord over disease. He’s Lord over demons. He’s Lord over leprosy. He’s Lord over paralysis. He’s Lord over sin. Jesus is even Lord over the Sabbath. He’s the Lord over rest—the Author and Ruler of rest, the Creator and Designer of rest, and ultimately the only source of rest. That makes sense, right? He is God. This is what we see throughout the Bible. 

Think about Psalm 121. When the psalmist is in trouble, overwhelmed by all that’s coming at him in this world, he writes: 

I lift up my eyes to the hills.

From where does my help come?

My help comes from the Lord,

who made heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot be moved;

he who keeps you will not slumber.

Behold, he who keeps Israel

will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is your keeper;

the Lord is your shade on your right hand.

The sun shall not strike you by day,

nor the moon by night.

The Lord will keep you from all evil;

he will keep your life.

The Lord will keep

your going out and your coming in

from this time forth and forevermore. 

Do you see it? Amidst all the turmoil in this world, there is a Lord Who never slumbers or sleeps. He is ultimately in control of it all. That’s why Psalm 46 talks about the earth giving way, the mountains trembling, waters roaring and foaming. In the middle of it all, what does verse ten say? “Be still and know that I am God.” In Isaiah 30:15, in the middle of turmoil, God says, “In returning and rest you shall be saved. In quietness and in trust shall be your strength.” Do you see the parallel here? Returning and rest; in quietness and trust. Rest is equated with trust. It’s in trusting God that you find rest. 

I have shared before about the ongoing battle in my own faith, my own family, as we’re now fast approaching two years of waiting to go bring our son home through adoption. We were three days from picking him up in China when the covid lockdown was enforced in 2020. While we have been wondering why all this waiting, the passage that has meant the most to me by far has been Isaiah 40:30–31: 

Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. 

What an interesting verse! In the middle of exhaustion, the key to being strong, running without weariness, flying like eagles, walking and not being faint is to wait for the Lord. One Bible commentator said, “The best translation for this word ‘wait’ is to rest trustfully in the Lord.” To rest trustfully. To trust that while you are waiting, the Lord is working, that He is good and can be trusted. The key to rest in this world is trusting that Jesus is Lord over this world and everything in it, including everything in our lives. 

Isn’t this the picture of sleep? Psalm 127:2 says God “gives to his beloved sleep.” Rest. Why? Because they trust in Him. Again, John Piper is so helpful here. He writes:

Sleep is a parable that God is God and we are mere men. God handles the world quite nicely while a hemisphere sleeps. Sleep is like a broken record that comes around with the same message every day: man is not sovereign, man is not sovereign, man is not sovereign. Don’t let the lesson be lost on you. God wants to be trusted as the great worker who never tires and never sleeps. He is not nearly so impressed with our late nights and early mornings as He is with the peaceful trust that casts all anxieties on Him and sleeps. 

Mark 2 and How You can rest in Jesus’ love for you. 

As you live, you can rest in Jesus’ lordship over everything in this world and everything in our lives. And you can rest in Jesus’ love for you. This is the beauty, here in Mark 2, of Jesus’ simple concern for His disciples to have food on the Sabbath. 

Now we’ll see this all the more so in the second story of a man with a withered hand. We don’t know any more details than that, but surely this affected everything in this man’s life, on every level. These Pharisees cared more about getting everything right according to their rules than they cared about this man in need of healing. Jesus was “filled with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart” (verse five). What a picture of emotion. He’s angry that they would treat this man’s need so lightly; He was grieved at how hard their hearts were. They were so concerned about their rules and getting everything right, that they lost sight of love. Don’t be like them. 

You can rest in this rock-solid reality that the One Who is Lord over all is in love with you. This is the gospel. This is the greatest news in the world. The message at the center of Scripture is that we have all been created by God for ultimate rest in relationship with God. The problem is we’ve all rebelled against God, which has led to unrest in our lives and unrest all around us in the world. But God has come to us in the person of Jesus. 

A couple days ago, I shared with a very kind Muslim man from Senegal that God did not just send a prophet. God came Himself in the person of Jesus. He lived a sinless life, died a sacrificial death on the cross for the sins of all who would trust in Him. Then He rose from the grave, conquering sin and death. The greatest news in all the world is that God has made a way for us to experience rest from sin, from the penalty of sin, the price of sin—in one sense now and ultimately for all eternity.

In the words of Psalm 116:5–9, “Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; our God is merciful. The Lord preserves the simple; when I was brought low, he saved me. Return, O my soul, to your rest.” That’s the picture we have here in Psalm 116 of salvation. Why? “For the Lord has dealt bountifully with you. For you have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling; I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living.” You have been given rest from eternal death. There is nothing beyond the power of God to give you rest. So find rest in Jesus’ love for you.

Mark 2 and How You can rest in Jesus’ life in you. 

Finally, as you live, you can rest in Jesus’ life in you. There’s a ton we could say here, but let me just summarize by saying that for everyone who trusts in Jesus, who entrusts your life to Jesus as Lord, that means the Lord of the Sabbath, the Lord of rest, is dwelling inside you. 

If there’s one verse that summarizes the entire Christian life, I think it’s Galatians 2:20. This is what it means to be a Christian, a follower of Christ. Let me read it, then let’s make a connection: “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Do you see the connection with the supernatural rest we find in this verse? Jesus Christ—the One Who loved me so much that He gave His life for me on a cross—lives in me. No matter what I find myself juggling at any point in my life, I have Jesus Himself inside of me, helping me with everything I need. When I am weak, I have the strength of Jesus in me. When I am confused, I have the wisdom of Jesus in me. When I’m afraid, I have the power and courage of Jesus in me. When I’m alone, I have His Spirit, His presence, inside me. When I’m anxious, I have the peace of Jesus inside me. The Christian life is a life of realizing that in a wearying world, we have the rest of Jesus in us. 

This is why, right before these stories of the disciples picking grain on the Sabbath and Jesus healing a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath, Jesus said to the crowds, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28–29). The imagery here is powerful, as Jesus says, “To a weary and heavy-laden people, come into the yoke with Me.” Picture two oxen linked together by a yoke. They would pair a stronger ox with a weaker ox because the stronger was able to carry the weaker ox along. “Come into the yoke with Me. Join your life with Me. Find your strength in Me. Find your wisdom in Me. Find everything you need in Me and I will enable you to go through all these things with a supernatural rest.”

Let’s come back to our illustration with the balloons. Jesus is Lord over all these things. Jesus is Lord over our spiritual lives. He’s Lord over our friendships. These balloons have scattered everywhere; it’s going to take time. He’s Lord over the guilt we often feel. He’s Lord over school and work. Jesus is Lord over our family and all our relationships, our marriages, parenting, singleness. He’s Lord over every struggle we have—emotional, physical, mental. Jesus gives sleep to His beloved. He’s Lord over rest. Praise God, Jesus is Lord over pandemics. Covid is not sovereign; God is sovereign. He’s Lord over social media. He’s Lord over what we eat and how we take care of our bodies. He’s Lord over doubt. He’s Lord over all fear. Jesus is Lord. He holds all of these things in His hands. 

First Peter 5:7 says we should cast all your cares on Jesus because He is big enough for all of them. And He’s not just Lord over them. The One Who is Lord over them loves you and is absolutely committed to giving you everything you need for all of these things. At every moment, when you’re in the middle of that struggle, when you’re in that workplace or in that school, when you’re walking through this or that conflict or tension, Jesus is right there with you. You’re never, ever alone.

He’s Lord over it all and He’s alive in you. When you realize Who He is and the yoke that you’re brought into, then you realize no matter what this world throws at you, it is possible to have supernatural rest in the middle of it all. 

Let me also remind you that this a reality in this world, but there’s also coming a day when the Bible describes eternal rest. For all who trust in Jesus, yes, there is rest today, then one day there will be no more sin, no more sorrow, no more struggle, no more tears. He’ll wipe every single tear of them away from our eyes. This is the hope we have. This world is not ultimately our home, so we press on. We trust in Him, living in the yoke with Him, as we look forward to a day when eternal rest will be ours. 

Do you know this in your life today and know that future day is coming for you? Let me ask you to bow your head and ask do you know Jesus as Lord. Do you know Him as the Lord Who has died on a cross for sins and risen from the grave and Who reigns as Lord over all? Do you know Him as Lord of your life? If your answer is not a resounding yes in your heart, then I invite you, right now in the quietness of your heart, to say for the first time to Jesus, “I trust in You. I know that I have sinned against You. I have turned away from You. I know now that my soul will only find rest in restored relationship to You. I believe that Jesus is Lord, that He has died on a cross for my sins, that He’s risen from the grave in victory over sin and that my soul can only find rest in Him.” 

If you’ve just prayed this, would you express that to God now? As you do, by faith, then rest your soul for the first time in Jesus’ lordship, in Jesus’ love, in Jesus life now in you. 

For all who know Jesus is Lord, would you just say to Him in this moment, “Jesus, I need rest in You. Amidst this or that in my life, I just lay it before Jesus. I need Your rest. I need Your strength. I need Your wisdom. I need Your help. I need Your peace. I need Your life in me. I want to experience life in the yoke with You.”

Jesus, there is no one like You. We exalt You as the Lord over rest, the Lord over sin and the Lord over death. You are the Lord of life. We say together today, “Our souls are restless until they find their rest in You.” We praise You for the rest You made possible for us. We lay all these different things in our lives before You—the hard things that so many people are walking through, reasons for all kinds of exhaustion around this room. God, we trust that You are Lord over them all. I pray that every single person within the sound of my voice would know Your love for them in the middle of it all, that they might experience Your life in the middle of it all. We love You Jesus. We praise You as the Lord of the Sabbath. We pray all these things in Your name. And all God’s people said, “Amen.”

David Platt

David Platt serves as a Lead Pastor for McLean Bible Church. He is also the Founder of Radical, an organization that helps people follow Jesus and make him known in their neighborhood and all nations.

David received his B.A. from the University of Georgia and M.Div., Th.M., and Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Some of his published works include Radical, Radical Together, Follow Me, Counter Culture, Something Needs to Change, and Don’t Hold Back.

He lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area with his wife and children.


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