Praying for Summer Camps (Psalm 119:105) - Radical
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Praying for Summer Camps (Psalm 119:105)

“Your word Is a lamp to my feet and a Light on my path.”
– Psalm 119:105

Today we pray for summer camps that might not be able to meet this summer. We ask that students, ministers, and leaders see that even in the middle of a pandemic, Your Word is a lamp to their feet and a light to their path Psalm 119:105.

This is maybe one of the most well-known verses in Psalm 119, in part, at least in my own life, because of a simple song that is based on this verse. I’d sing it right now but I’m definitely a preacher more than a singer and so I’ll spare you. But I remember specifically growing up, going to camps in middle school and high school and singing this song about how God’s word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my pathh. I mention that because as we’re praying for specific needs that people are sending in, I encourage you to continue to send in specific ways we can pray for each other during this pandemic at

Prayer For Harold and Angela

I read this from Angela. She says, “I work at Camp Living Stones, a Christ-centered youth camp in East Tennessee. We, like many other camps around the country are possibly facing a summer with no youth and no finances to keep operating. Please pray that God will help us financially and keep us focused on him and not our circumstances and if we’re not able to have these camps we will find new ways to reach out to students and share God’s word with them this year.”

Harold writes on behalf of his whole team, “Please pray for summer camps all over the nation that have been canceled and are being impacted financially. My team and I specifically work at Crossings Ministries, centered around creating experiences to share the gospel in Kentucky. Would you pray for students who have been affected and disappointed by this? Pray for group leaders as they try to reach out to students during these days? For our staff, that we would trust in God’s provision during this time?”

Impact Of Camp Experiences

I think about the impact of camp experiences, going away from the normal day to day and spending concentrated time in worship and God’s word. Like God did a lot of powerful work in my heart during those days, and so the thought of months or maybe even an entire summer without many of these camps? I just want us to pray Psalm 119:105 especially over teenagers. Students who would have normally gone to a camp like this during the summer.

Relying On the Words of Psalm 119:105

God, we pray. And God, I’m just compelled to pray that every student that was registered for one of these camps, God may they know Psalm 119:105, that your word is a lamp to their feet and a light to their path. God, please, please, please. Lord, in whatever ways you choose, draw those students to yourself. Some to salvation, others to deeper growth in you through all that’s going on right now. God, please bless student ministers, bless camp leaders who were organizing things in this way or that way.

Lord, help them to know how best to love and care for students during these times and especially in the absence of these kinds of experiences to be able to create other experiences, to be able to point them to you, to your word that’s a lamp to every student’s feet and a light to their path. God, we pray for your provision, for all of these teams, these brothers and sisters who have given their lives to providing these kind of experiences that serve churches, that serve student ministries. God, we pray that you would draw them closer to yourself through this, God, that you would give them grace to trust in you. And God, we pray for your provision for them. God, we pray for all who are still making decisions about whether or not to open this camp or that camp, that you would give them wisdom.

Prayer That God Word Would Be Used

God, we pray. We pray that your word as a lamp and a light would spread among teenagers this summer. God, please, may be it so, in the middle of this pandemic, may your word spread. May student ministries and churches, may camps, ministries like this, may they somehow God, may you provide, may they thrive for your glory in students’ lives in the middle of all this. God, we pray. We praise you for your word. It is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path and we pray that over the next few months, more and more and more students would know that. In particular, students, teenagers, may they know the greatness of your word.

Oh God, I praise you for Student Life, YM360, friends who I know lead in these different camps and so many others. God please, please, please. We pray more than anything for the spread of your word among teenagers and the glory of your name among teenagers. That they may know that your word is a lamp to their feet and a light for their path. God, we pray this. In Jesus’ name, amen.

David Platt

David Platt serves as a pastor in metro Washington, D.C. He is the founder of Radical.

David received his Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is the author of Don’t Hold Back, Radical, Follow MeCounter CultureSomething Needs to ChangeBefore You Vote, as well as the multiple volumes of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series.

Along with his wife and children, he lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area.


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