Unengaged, Unreached - Indian Muslims of Malaysia - Radical
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Unengaged, Unreached – Indian Muslims of Malaysia

Although most of the unengaged, unreached people groups we will share about live in India, our prayer focus for Secret Church 16 is to bring attention to Indian people groups living outside the country. According to a 2015 report from the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, more than 28 million Indian people live outside of India. Of those, over 2 million Indians live in Malaysia.

Though outside of India, the Indian Muslims of Malaysia remain classified as an unengaged, unreached people group. This means that no one is currently seeking to reach them with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Many of these people have grown up their whole lives in Malaysia. Two groups of Indians typically reside in Malaysia—one group immigrated without families and integrated into Malay culture while the other group came over with family and maintain much of their Indian culture. Those who integrate speak Malay and those who retain Indian culture tend to speak their native tongue, such as Tamil, a common language among Indian Muslims.

Many Indian Muslims make several trips a year back to India to visit family and introduce their children to Indian culture. These Indians tend to fall into the category of outsiders—not “true” Malays. Thus, they are separated from Malay Muslims and Indian Hindus living in Malaysia. A realistic estimate is that over 250,000 Indian Muslims currently live in Malaysia.

Pray for Indian Muslims in Malaysia to hear about Jesus Christ who died for them and that they will turn from Islam and turn to Christ.

Pray for Christians in Malaysia to befriend Indian Muslims and show kindness to them despite religious and cultural barriers.

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That means that the people with the most urgent spiritual and physical needs are receiving the least support. You can help change that!