Pray for Those Who Have Never Heard about the Arrival of Jesus - Radical

Pray for Those Who Have Never Heard about the Arrival of Jesus

Most of those in a city like Pyongyang are born, live, and die without ever hearing the gospel. Can you imagine growing up in a city where you’ve never heard the name of Jesus? This is the heartbreaking reality that many across the world face, where “Christ is largely unknown and the church is relatively insufficient to make Christ known in its broader population without outside help.” Around 3.2 billion people are unreached by the gospel.

As we celebrate the first coming of Christ at Christmas, let’s take time to pray for those who have never heard about the arrival of Jesus.

Pray for Countries Closed to the Gospel

First, remember to pray for countries and regions that are closed to the gospel. Consider countries like Iran or Somalia and even regions like Chechnya, a predominately Muslim republic in Russia. People in these areas will not gain popularity or safety by trusting in Jesus. Pray that God would remind them of the hope they have in heaven. Arman Aubukirov, a pastor in Kazakhstan, has helpfully reminded us to pray that “the Lord would use the living testimonies of those who went a long way to share the gospel to prove that Christ is indeed more precious than life.” Let’s join with Arman and pastors around the world to pray for regions closed to the gospel.

Pray for Missionaries Living Among Unreached People Groups

Second, take time to pray for God to encourage missionaries who are currently serving and living among unreached people groups. Many of these men and women choose to be far from family during the holidays to make the gospel known to people who have never heard it. The joy in their service comes with sacrifice.

The joy in their service comes with sacrifice.

Ken Midkiff, a former missionary among the unreached said, 

Did we miss family? Of course. But Jesus meant it when he said, “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life” (Mark 10:29–30).

Pray for God to strengthen missionaries like Ken serving on the mission field. Ask the Lord to give them the endurance to continue proclaiming the gospel and navigate the challenges that they face.

Pray for God to Open the Hearts of the Unreached

Third, pray for God to soften the hearts of unreached people groups. As the gospel is proclaimed and the unreached hear the good news, ask the Lord to work in their hearts. As Christians, we recognize that God is the one who regenerates and converts a sinner’s heart. In regeneration, God instantaneously acts to secretly and sovereignly impart spiritual life to those who are spiritually dead. As missionaries go to make disciples among the nations, and as local Christians courageously share their testimonies at great cost, pray that they would remember the Lord has gone before them. Pray that God would prepare the hearts of unbelievers and that, when they hear the gospel, they respond with faith.

Pray for the Establishment of Healthy Churches Among the Unreached

Fourth, pray for the establishment of healthy churches among unreached people groups around the world. Many unreached people live in hard-to-reach places where it is difficult for believers to publicly gather to hear the Word preached, see the sacraments administered, and sing with one another. Take time this Advent season to pray that God would raise up men to faithfully serve as elders in these new churches. Pray for opportunities to gather, whether secretly or publicly, where they can grow in their faith. 

In places like Pyongyang, most people are born and live without Jesus, pray this Christmas that they don’t die without hearing the good news of the gospel.

Cole Shiflet

Cole Shiflet is the content manager at Radical. He is a member of Redeemer Community Church and an M.Div. student at Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Alabama.


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