Two thousand years after Jesus walked on the earth, followers of Christ are still working to fulfill the Great Commission. So, why haven’t all nations been reached with the gospel yet? Maybe we don’t realize just how much of our lives can be stewarded for the Kingdom today.
More Opportunities Than Ever
We know that God has commanded us to reach the ends of the earth with the gospel. As I’ve talked to missionaries in hard to reach areas across the world, I’ve learned that’s no easy task. But have we considered how many tools and opportunities are now at our fingertips that followers of Christ never had before? And how do these opportunities enable believers who aren’t called to be missionaries to reach our neighbors and the nations with the gospel?
Today, the Bible has been translated into 756 languages, reaching 6 billion people. Over 3,756 languages have at least a portion of the Bible translated. Social media platforms also present opportunities to share the gospel and initiate gospel conversations.
Multiple ministries have produced content that’s accessible in many nations and languages explaining Scripture and theology. At Radical, we’ve seen firsthand how YouTube videos can be an incredible way to teach others about the Church in hard to reach areas.
All of this is the product of huge ministry efforts, but it’s also backed by modern technology, intense collaboration, and creative businesses working to make Scripture known to all peoples and languages.
Nations, peoples, and places never had the opportunity to be as digitally connected as we are today. And we can leverage that influx of information and connection for the growth of the Church.
How Are You Making the Gospel Known?
God calls us to radical obedience, asking us to fully surrender our lives to him. If God is the all-consuming passion of your life, you will inevitably seek ways to tell others about him. Here’s the thing: you don’t have to be a missionary or work for a ministry to tell others about Jesus.
Do you consider the good things in your life to be gifts from God? Do you think of these gifts as things to steward for the spread of the gospel? Gifts like your freedom, your business growth, your home, your family, your education, and technology. We often take these things for granted, but they are actually amazing avenues to spread the gospel in ways the early church never could.
The Great Commission isn’t just for a few Christians.
Whether you’re a pastor, an IT specialist, or an entrepreneur, you can look for everyday opportunities to speak about the gospel during your workday. If you’re an entrepreneur, seek ways to use your business as a ministry opportunity. Be intentional in showing Christ’s love in the way you interact with customers and employees, and consider how your business can meet spiritual and physical needs. If you’re creative and innovative, consider how what you create can reflect the gospel. All of us can consider ways to share the gospel and teach others about Scripture online.
The Great Commission isn’t just for a few Christians. It’s a command for all of us. So, let’s praise God and ask him how we can use all of the unprecedented opportunities we have today—from technology and the workplace to social influence—to let Christ’s name be known to all peoples and nations. Because when we have been saved, redeemed, and set free by Jesus, how could we not?