Can Brahmins Come to Jesus?

This is a question one might ask after learning about Brahmins, the highest Hindu caste known as the priestly caste. Many Brahmins in India grow up in orthodox Hindu families, learning at an early age how to worship the gods properly. They repeat words or phrases from the oldest and most authoritative Hindu scripture, the Veda, and perform ceremonies that are in line with the book.

Brahmins live by a certain Hindu code of conduct. They perform rituals both in the temples and in their private homes. Many choose to become Hindu priests according to the traditions of their caste. Overall, the Brahmin caste is the most respected in the Hindu world, and people look to Brahmins for teaching and examples of Hindu holy living.

Someone might look at Brahmins and consider it hopeless to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. But with God, all things are possible.

Brahmins Following Jesus

In the South, a small group of Brahmins have chosen to follow Jesus and are sharing their testimonies publicly. Many have found Jesus in times of sickness or through the influence of their peers while at universities.

The International Mission Board recently shared a series of stories from Brahmins who turned from the worship of millions of gods to follow after the One True God. Below is a story about Malati, a Brahmin who believed in Jesus and was healed of a 20-year disease.

Twenty years Malati* lay sick, yearning to serve her husband and three children. One day, her husband, Drupada,* brought home a former classmate named Kishor,* who talked about how Jesus healed people. Malati grew annoyed, advising Drupada not to listen to him. But as time passed, she started to listen. 

She thought, How can I—a Madhava Brahmin—worship Jesus? 

Soon, Drupada accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior; Malati worried about being cast out from their families. But before long, she was ready to do anything to be well, so she started worshipping Jesus—along with her other gods. One morning, when she tried to worship her gods, nothing worked, so she decided to write down the names of all the gods, including Jesus. Several times she called a child to pick, and the name of Jesus was chosen each time. 

That day, Malati accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. She stopped all rituals. As her health improved slowly, she served her family and spoke about Jesus to everyone. Now, in her home, more than 30 people pray, sing, and praise Jesus every Sunday. Malati says, “I can today do everything through Jesus Christ who gives me strength.”

Read more stories about Brahmins coming to faith on the International Mission Board’s website.

Pray for Brahmins

It is not easy for Brahmins to become Christians. Often viewed as upholders of Hinduism, when Brahmins believe in Christ they can be shunned by their families and communities.

Join us in praying for Brahmins in India. Here are a few prayer points to get you started:

  • Pray for Brahmins who decide to follow Jesus to find support and community with other Christians. Ask that they will be discipled and will be bold to share their faith.
  • Pray for the families of Brahmins who become Christians. Ask God to influence them to follow Jesus because of the witness of their family members.
  • Pray for more Brahmins to hear about Jesus and choose to follow him as the only God.
  • Pray for Brahmins who are boldly sharing their testimonies to reach many people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

India is our prayer focus for Secret Church 16: A Global Gospel in a World of Religions. In the weeks and months leading up to the Secret Church event, join us as we learn more about India’s culture, people, and persecuted church. To sign up for the Secret Church simulcast, click here.

Radical’s Secret Church is a unique, one-night event that is streamed online to more than 50,000 participants around the world.


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