How to Become a Family on Mission - Radical

How to Become a Family on Mission

Recently, I heard the shocking statistic that 51% of American churchgoers don’t know the Great Commission. If the entire Bible points to the person and work of Jesus Christ, then it is of utmost importance that God’s people know what Jesus came to do and what God is doing in the world today. This extends into our family lives. Our job as parents is to live on mission and raise children who are on mission for Jesus. Here are six ideas of how parents can model habits and rhythms of obedience to the Great Commission in their home.

Teach Your Children Where They Fit in the Story of the Bible

Our children need to know that the Old and New Testaments together are one story that demonstrates God’s love for the nations and his provision of a promised Messiah. Help them understand that the men and women in the Bible were real people who lived in real places and that God works mightily in the lives of his people.

Let your kids feel the build-up of excitement and anticipation as they transition from Old Testament stories and promises to New Testament fulfillment in the arrival and sacrifice of  Jesus. 

Our children must understand that Christ the King gives an important job to all his followers.

Then, teach them about his life and ministry and how he builds his church. Teach them that this amazing story continues today and, in Christ, they can play a part in it. Our children must understand that Christ the King gives an important job to all his followers, young and old.

Prioritize Simple, Consistent, and Bold Prayer for the Nations

Emphasize the importance of prayer as you train your children. Make prayer for the nations a regular and important part of your family’s routine. 

When our kids were young, we often prayed a simple “round robin” of fill-in-the-blank prayers. “Father, I praise you because (fill in the blank).” After each one prays that one-sentence prayer, do the same with confession, thanksgiving, and intercession for themselves, for others, and for the nations. Always include a prayer of yielding submission: “Lord, if you send me, I will go.”

Be an Example of Faithful Evangelism

One simple way to practice being a witness for Christ (Acts 1:8) is letting your kids hear you share one thing you learned from your quiet time with someone else each day. Then, teach them to do the same. Bible stories are meant to be learned––and shared! 

Even a young child can hear a story from the Bible and share something they learned with someone else. Teach them to “go and tell” the great things God has done.

Practice Sacrificial Generosity

When children are young, find ways to give that they can see and feel. Even if the bulk of your giving is an online direct deposit, consider putting something in the physical offering plate at church each week. Let them see that giving brings you joy (2 Corinthians 9:7). 

As you are physically able, maybe pick a week to eat only beans and rice so that you can set aside money for urgent gospel work. If you normally have Friday night pizza, perhaps pick one weekend a month to substitute a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and give the saved money to missions. 

Show your children that normal rhythms of the Christian life include giving sacrificially to see the Great Commission accomplished.

Show your children that normal rhythms of the Christian life include giving sacrificially to see the Great Commission accomplished.

Introduce Your Children to Missionaries and Urgent Need

Our children need to understand the urgent and heartbreaking reality that many people around the world have never even heard the name of Jesus. Invite missionaries into your home and give your children an opportunity to hear their stories and ask them questions. 

Teach them about urgent need and that missionaries are ordinary people who respond to that need by going to proclaim Christ to the nations (Romans 10:14-15).

Model Meaningful Involvement in a Mission-Minded Church

One of the best ways to help children learn to care about other nations is by surrounding them with diverse, godly church family members who care about other nations. Our children need to see that churches are men and women, boys and girls, young and old, who are united together as a community in Christ and are in this task together. We have a daunting global mission, but we are given a family to serve alongside and, most importantly, Christ as our ever-present guide.

As parents, we are to teach our children to obey all that Christ commands. And, we are to teach them to teach others the same. So, let’s help our children build kingdom habits. Let’s teach them that God’s heart for the nations is woven throughout the big story of the Bible. Let’s model boldness in prayer, evangelism, giving, and healthy church membership. Let’s teach our families what living on mission looks like.

Cyndi Logsdon

Cyndi Logsdon and her husband Scott have spent the past twenty years loving and serving the church around the world. They currently live in Central Asia where her husband serves as the pastor of a church in a vibrant megacity. Cyndi loves to drink tea, teach the Bible, and disciple women. She and Scott have two grown daughters and a son-in-law.


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