Walk in Wisdom (2 Chronicles 10:8) - Radical

Walk in Wisdom (2 Chronicles 10:8)

“But he abandoned the counsel that the old men gave him and took counsel with the young men who had grown up with him and stood before him.”
– 2 Chronicles 10:8

This story of Rehoboam is tragic and 2 Chronicles 10:8shows us that it all revolved around taking unwise counsel and a lack of discernment between good and bad counsel. And as I read this, I am just brought to my knees and I want to lead us in prayer in two ways really. One that God would help each one of us to seek good counsel and to discern good from not good counsel, even evil counsel, to discern wise counsel from unwise counsel. We all need, every single one of us, needs good counselors around us. People who are speaking into our lives and encouraging us to walk with God, who are wise, people who are walking with God. We need that.

2 Chronicles 10:8 Reminds Us to Walk in Wisdom

God, we pray that you would help us to speak a good word to them today to point them to you and to help them walk in wisdom.

And at the same time, the second way this verse leads me to pray is that God would make me a good and wise counselor, that God would help me and each of us to provide good wise counsel to people around us. So let’s pray for both of those knowing whenever we start to pray for wisdom and for help from God in areas like this, really in every area, but specifically, God gives us promises all throughout His word, that when we ask for wisdom and for help to live wisely, He promises to give us what we need. So just like we pray all the time on this podcast, and the whole reason for this podcast is to be a daily reminder that when we pray according to God’s word, He hears us and He will answer according to what we ask in His word.

2 Chronicles 10:8 Leads Us to Ask for Help from God

So, God, we come to you with 2 Chronicles 10:8 before us with Rehoboam abandoning the council that was given him and taking counsel from people who did not know what was good and wise and best. God, we pray according to your word. And according to your promises in James 1, to give us wisdom when we ask. God, we confess our need for wisdom. We confess that all of us are prone to foolishness, to selfishness. And so we pray and we plead, oh God, for wisdom in our lives.

And we pray that you would provide wise counselors around us, that you would grant us discernment to know the difference between wise and unwise counsel, to filter every bit of counsel, encouragement, advice we receive through your word and your Spirit’s discernment in our minds. God, we pray for that. And at the same time, we pray that you would help us to be good, wise counselors for others, that you would help us to speak appropriate words according to your word and the leadership of your spirit today to others.

This Verse Leads Us to Pray for Wise Counsel

God, I think about many people who are walking through decisions right now in their lives and their families, churches, leadership. God, we pray that you would provide wise, good counsel even today for them. And then God, at the same time, for others that we will meet today, who are walking through decision-making times in their lives, their families, their churches, their leadership. God, we pray that you would help us to speak a good word to them today to point them to you and to help them walk in wisdom.

Oh God, we praise you for your promises to give us wisdom. You are the God of all wisdom. Jesus, you are wisdom personified. Holy Spirit, you are the spirit of wisdom. And so over and above, certainly what anyone else would say, we seek you and we pray for your wisdom in our lives. Even as we pray that you would use other people around us to reflect your wisdom and that you would use our lives to reflect your wisdom to other people. And we pray all of this in light of your word in 2 Chronicles 10:8. We know that when we ask according to your word, we have what you have given. We have what we have asked. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

David Platt

David Platt serves as a pastor in metro Washington, D.C. He is the founder of Radical.

David received his Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is the author of Don’t Hold Back, Radical, Follow MeCounter CultureSomething Needs to ChangeBefore You Vote, as well as the multiple volumes of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series.

Along with his wife and children, he lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area.


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