Five Things Iranian Christians Want Us to Know - Radical

Five Things Iranian Christians Want Us to Know

When an Iranian trusts in Christ, persecution often follows almost immediately. Our Iranian brothers and sisters face daily struggles as the government and, many times, their families oppose their faith in Jesus. We as the body of Christ need to come alongside them in prayer as they follow Christ at a great cost.

Five Things Iranian Christians Want Us to Know

A few Iranian believers shared some information and prayer requests that they would like their brothers and sisters around the world to know. As you read below, ask God to help the Iranian church stand strong amid persecution.

1. Iranian Christians are thankful for your prayers.

Arash* said it well: “I really appreciate all the prayer support. We really need prayer in Iran. We are new in our faith, and we really need prayer to stand strong.”

2. It is hard to find support as a Christian in Iran.

Believers are often scattered and can only meet in secret to worship and pray together. Some Christians are only able to watch TV programs in their homes. The government makes life tough for believers, taking their jobs, arresting them, and pressuring their loved ones. Once someone is targeted by the government, the rest of the community will avoid that individual out of fear.

3. God is moving in Iran.

When Yasmin* was living in Iran, she was amazed at how people were so open to the gospel. She can hardly remember a time when she talked with someone about Jesus that they rejected him. Though she had to flee Iran, she is burdened for the gospel to continue to be shared in Iran, especially with young people.

4. People in Iran are struggling.

Many of our brothers and sisters said that Iranians are suffering and looking for answers to their problems. Often they look to drugs, alcohol, or false religions to ease their pain. Hamid* asked for us to pray “that Satan would have no authority” over Iran and its people.

5. Iranians are hospitable people who need to hear the gospel.

Dalir* told us that many people around the world have a bad view of Iranians, but he said that they are friendly, hospitable people. They are thirsty for God and ready to welcome the message of the gospel. He asked us to support Iranian believers in prayer and stand together against the prince of this world.

In his message to the global church, Dalir said, “I am going to see you in the eternal city soon. The Bible says that the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. I would like to encourage you to pray for Iran and support believers.”

At Secret Church 17 we will be praying for the persecuted church in Iran and for the unreached peoples of Iran to put their faith in Jesus Christ. To learn more about Secret Church or to register for the Secret Church 17 simulcast, go here.

*Names changed for security purposes.

Harper McKay is a global worker in Southeast Asia who has served as a guest contributor for Radical covering missions and work among the unreached.


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