Remember to Pray for Vietnamese Buddhists and Christians - Radical

Remember to Pray for Vietnamese Buddhists and Christians

About 50 percent of people in Vietnam identify themselves as Buddhist.

The Buddhism practiced in Vietnam, like most of the other religions, draws from many different religious practices from fortune telling to animism to ancestor worship. Buddhism in places like Ho Chi Minh City is also heavily influenced by Chinese Buddhist practices. This is due to the thousand years of Chinese reign over Vietnam.

As the most prominent form of organized religion in Vietnam, Buddhist temples and altars are plentiful, especially in large cities. In Ho Chi Minh City, Buddhism is growing rapidly, with many temples currently expanding or moving to larger structures.

To many Buddhists, living a life of good morals is very important. They seek to live good lives and benefit their communities.

People from all age groups visit temples to burn incense, light candles, chant, pray, and seek blessings. They also come in hopes to cleanse their souls, ask for success, or pray for health or other life needs.

Pray for Vietnamese Buddhists

First, pray for the millions of Buddhists in Vietnam to find true joy and peace that can only come from God. Pray for Christians in Vietnam to have many opportunities to share the gospel with Vietnamese Buddhists in a way that will speak to their desire for spiritual fulfillment.

Harper McKay is a global worker in Southeast Asia who has served as a guest contributor for Radical covering missions and work among the unreached.


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