URGENT: Strategic Innovation and Development

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Business Development

Creative Innovation

Business Development

Churches in the developing world and in unreached locations are often unable to fully financially provide for a pastor and his family. This often means that the pastor is a bi-vocational. However, in many of these unreached places there are not enough jobs available and the allure of a work visa in a global city draws many young families away from their home, including Christians. Urgent helps to develop profitable businesses in these unreached locations, which enables pastors, church leaders, and Christians to remain in-country, provide for their families, and maintain a much-needed witness for the gospel.

Creative Innovation

In many unreached locations there are not enough jobs available to provide economic stability for the community. At times, this can lead to corruption, abuse, and poverty. The allure of a work visa in a global city draws many young people away from their home, including Christians. Urgent seeks to help believers in these areas develop new creative, innovative businesses that allows pastors, church leaders, and Christians to remain in their communities, provide for their families, and maintain a much needed witness for the Gospel.