URGENT: Meet the Spiritual + Physical Needs of the Unreached

Every gift doubled through Dec. 31. Support 10,000 gospel leaders in 42 of the hardest to reach countries.

Start a fundraiser

Want to get your friends, family, church community involved? Learn how to become an advocate for the unreached in your community.

Host a community event

Find easy ways to mobilize your community, small group, college ministry, youth group, to raise awareness and funding to support work among the unreached.

Start Now

Host a church event

Consider a Christmas offering, a night of prayer, or a benefit concert to raise awareness about the unreached as a first step to mobilize congregants to become advocates.

Start Now

Need Ideas...

Here’s are some creative things that people have done to raise support for work among the unreached…

Mud/Obstacle Challenge
Christmas Offering
Night of Prayer

Community 5K Run
Daddy/Daughter Dance
Community Car Wash

Birthday for Cause
Date Night Babysitting
Silent Auction

Charity Concert
Churchwide Garage Sale
Youth Group Work Day

How are donations used?

Every project is funded through a managed portfolio. This means that all funding is pooled to provide deep, global impact, specifically in the 10/40 window. This strategic approach allows us to fund the most timely and kingdom-strategic projects. Our Global Investment Team assesses these opportunities in real-time, making sure that the money goes to the right places and the right field workers at the right time.