The Unfailing Presence of God (Exodus 40:38) - Radical

The Unfailing Presence of God (Exodus 40:38)

For the cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle by day, and fire was in it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel throughout all their journeys.
– Exodus 40:38

We’ve talked and prayed about this before, but this is the way the Book of Exodus closes with God’s presence among his people in the Tabernacle, by day, by fire at night, leading and guiding and directing his people in such a way.

Exodus 40:38 pictures God’s faithful guidance in our lives.

I love this phrase in verse 38, in the sight of all the House of Israel, throughout all their journeys, God’s people could see. He’s leading us. He’s guiding us. The Lord is directing us throughout every step we take throughout all our journeys. And I read that and my mind just goes in so many different directions. One, I look back at my life and I just praise God for his grace throughout all my journeys, all the times he has saved me from myself and led and guided and provided.

I just encourage you to consider all the journeys you have walked through and how God’s presence has been with you in the middle of it all. Even at times when you may not have even acknowledged his presence or known all that he was doing, to know that he was with you, and then to look at whatever part of the journey you’re on right now to look at every facet of your life, all that you’re walking through, and to know you are not alone. He is with you right now. See it. You are not alone.

All who have trusted in Jesus, he has said over and over again, all throughout his Word. I’m with you. I’m with you, and not just with you. I am for you. I am with you, for you. And there is an adversary who wants you to think you’re alone today, who wants you to think that God has forgotten about you, that God is not working right now for your good, that God is not with you and for you.

Exodus 40:38 encourages us to walk in confidence of God’s presence.

And I just want to encourage you to believe this by faith that he is with you, not just with you. He’s in you. His Holy Spirit dwells inside of you even greater than a cloud over you or fire like in a tabernacle. The Holy Spirit of God is in you right now, leading you, guiding you, and providing everything you need as you trust in him, as you look to him.

So keep your eyes fixed on the one who’s with you today. Walk with him throughout this journey of life with confidence that God himself is with you and for you, oh God, we praise you for this reality, knowing we deserve to be cast out of your presence forever, that we deserve to be in hell right now and experiencing judgment for our sin away from you. Jesus, we praise you for making this possible through your death on the cross for our sins, your resurrection from the grave, and your ascension to Heaven. And sending your Holy Spirit to live in us.

God, help us to live then in this reality today. I just pray this over my own life and every single person listening right now who knows you… Who has trusted in you, that they would know in a deeper way… Even in this moment, that they are not alone. That you are with them, in them, dwelling in them… That their bodies are the house of the Lord. And that you are working right now for their good. And that you will provide them with every single thing they need.

This verse challenges us to rely on God’s presence in evangelism.

Oh God, help us to view our journey, our every step today through the lens of your presence with us in a greater way than even what Exodus 40:38 describes. And God, we pray that you would lead us as Spirit-filled, empowered people to lead others to your presence… To lead others to a relationship with you.

Help us to share the gospel today and the power of your presence in us. We pray for supernatural power to speak words today that bring people from death to life.

Prayer for the Pingdi People

And God, we pray this for the nations. We pray specifically today for the Pingdi people of China… 1.3 million of them, a few followers of Jesus among them.

God, we pray for those few Pingdi brothers and sisters… That by the power of your Spirit in them, the gospel would spread through them… And that you would lead more and more Pingdi men, women, children, to hear the good news of your love, for them to be restored to relationship with you, saved from sin, brought into communion with you… That they might walk with you throughout their journeys. God, we pray this for the Pingdi people… Even as we pray, help us to experience this reality today… To live in it today, your presence with us, in us throughout all our journeys. We pray this according to your Word in Exodus 40:38, which we love. In Jesus’ name, amen.

David Platt

David Platt serves as a Lead Pastor for McLean Bible Church. He is also the Founder of Radical, an organization that helps people follow Jesus and make him known in their neighborhood and all nations.

David received his B.A. from the University of Georgia and M.Div., Th.M., and Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Some of his published works include Radical, Radical Together, Follow Me, Counter Culture, Something Needs to Change, and Don’t Hold Back.

He lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area with his wife and children.


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