The Lord Surrounds His People (Psalm 125:2)

“As the mountains surround Jerusalem so the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth and forevermore.”
– Psalm 125:2

Just get the geographic picture of Psalm 125:2. It is in Jerusalem, so that’s the place where the temple was, where God’s presence dwelled among His people. And then picture just mountains around Jerusalem. As a picture of protection.

And so here the psalmist says that just like mountains surround a city, so the Lord surrounds His people. I think about just a few months ago being in the middle of majestic mountains all around me, up in the Himalayas. Not Jerusalem, but I just think about standing in a place where everywhere I look there are mountains. Majestic, snow capped, peaks and mountains all around me. And you just feel just enveloped by them. And that’s the picture that the psalmist gives here, just enveloped by the peace and protection and power and provision of God.

Psalm 125:2 Reminds Us God Surrounds Us

“As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people, from this time forth and forevermore.”

He surrounds His people. Picture your life right now this way. No matter what you’re walking through, picture your life today surrounded by the peace and protection and provision and presence and promises. I could go on with a lot of P’s, but all of these things from God that are surrounding you right now. And just find rest, find confidence, find joy, find security in this reality.

This Verse Leads Us to Pray To Feel God’s Peace

Oh God, I pray for every single person who’s listening to this right now who is in Jesus, who is trusted in Him, who knows Jesus as Savior and Lord, that they would see themselves right now just surrounded by your peace, by your protection, by your provision, by your promises of love, joy, guidance, help, strength, wisdom. They’re just surrounded by promises. Enveloped by your presence, your peace, your protection in these ways. God, I pray that they would just find a supernatural rest in that reality right now. And Oh God, I do.

Just to picture myself surrounded by mountains and then to think that in a much, much greater way is a reality for me every day with your peace and your protection and your provision.

Psalm 125:2 Leads Us to Praise God

Oh, glory be to your name. Oh God, we love you. We worship you, we praise you. We thank you for surrounding us like mountains and not just now, but tomorrow and the next day and the next day. From this time forth and for ever more. For ever more, you will surround us. For all of eternity you will surround us. Yes, God, yes. We live in this, help us to just live in this reality today, rest in this reality today. Walk in this reality today, worship in this reality today and tomorrow and the next day and the next day, forever and ever and ever. In Jesus’ name, we pray. In the name of the one who makes this surrounding protection and provision and peace possible. Amen.

David Platt serves as a pastor in metro Washington, D.C. He is the founder of Radical.

David received his Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is the author of Don’t Hold Back, Radical, Follow MeCounter CultureSomething Needs to ChangeBefore You Vote, as well as the multiple volumes of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series.

Along with his wife and children, he lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area.


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