The Holy Wrath of God (Jeremiah 50:25)

“The Lord has opened His armory and brought out the weapons of his wrath, for the Lord God of hosts has a work to do in the land of the Chaldeans.”
– Jeremiah 50:25

What imagery of God’s just and holy wrath towards sin and sinners. Specifically in Jeremiah 50, the Chaldeans, the Babylonians, the who destroyed Jerusalem and taken His people into exile. Mark it down, God will show justice to sinners who defy Him and rebel against Him, and refused to turn and trust in Him. And God is completely holy and just in showing a wrath like this, in opening His armory.

Jeremiah 50:25 Leads Us to Pray Injustice Will Not Reign

This is like a picture of what we read in the Book of Revelation. The armory of God opened up, weapons of his wrath brought out as judgment comes on the world. This is coming to all who do not trust in Jesus. And so how does this lead us to pray? Oh God, we praise you for your holy wrath, your holy justice. We praise you, that you do not turn a blind eye and deaf ear to sin.

God, we praise you that injustice will not reign in the end, that sin will be punished, that evil-doers will be held accountable. But even as we praise you for this, oh God, we know that we are sinners and we are evil-doers, and we need salvation from your wrath. And so we praise you for your mercy. Jesus, we praise you for taking the judgment we deserve upon yourself on a cross. All glory be to your name, Jesus, who satisfied the wrath we deserve, so that we could experience your mercy.

Opened Eyes to Salvation

God, I pray for anybody listening to this right now, who has never put their trust in you, Jesus, to be forgiven of their sin, to come out from under the judgment, that we deserve in our sin, that this would be the moment, God save, now I pray. Open eyes to your salvation in Jesus today, even right now. And then, God, give us your heart for people around us who are under your wrath right now, who, if they were to die right now, would experience your judgment for all of eternity, in hell.

As your armory and the weapons of your wrath are poured out, God, we pray that you’d help us to proclaim your mercy today, the good news of Jesus to others. God, help us to care more about their souls than we care about our reputations and our comfort. God, we pray that you’d help us to spread the good news of your mercy today, and that people would be drawn to you and your mercy today. God, we pray this on behalf of 3 billion people who’ve never heard the good news of Jesus.

Pray for the Unreached People of Malawi

Today, God, for unreached people around the world, including the Muslim Yao in Malawi, 2 million of them, hardly any followers of Jesus. God, we pray for the spread of your mercy among the Yao people of Malawi. God, please cause the gospel to go to them, cause your church to send out workers to them. And God, we pray that your mercy remain known among the Yao of Malawi. God, help us to live in light of Jeremiah 50:25, in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

David Platt serves as a pastor in metro Washington, D.C. He is the founder of Radical.

David received his Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is the author of Don’t Hold Back, Radical, Follow MeCounter CultureSomething Needs to ChangeBefore You Vote, as well as the multiple volumes of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series.

Along with his wife and children, he lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area.


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