Strengthen Our Souls (Psalm 138:3)

“On the day I called, you answered me. My strength of soul you increased.”
– Psalm 138:3

Psalm 138:3 us a great verse for today? I’m reading through all these different prayer requests that people are sending in at radical. Thank you. I encourage you to continue doing that and I think we’re on around day 80 of life being turned upside down.

Lord, we come to You during these days when we feel weary, tired, and frustrated. We call out to You for strength, knowing that You alone satisfy our souls.

Obviously, it depends on when you mark that first day. When we, many of us went into stay-at-home kind of situations where life as we knew it just came to a halt and totally changed. And I just know that among the people listening to this podcast episode right now, many of you feel weary and tired and frustrated and just so many different, even reading through all these prayer requests. Just so many different unique challenges that each of us has faced, is facing.

Psalm 138:3 Reminds Us that God Answers Us

Obviously, some far more severe than others, but all in a way that just brings a weariness. And so we read today, we hear straight from God in Psalm 138:3. “On the day I called, you answered me. My strength of soul you increased.” And I just want to pray that over each one of you today, over each of your lives no matter what you were walking through right now.

Oh God, I pray every single detail in every single person’s life who is listening to this podcast episode right now. And so I pray Psalm 138:3 over them specifically, I pray that you would increase their strength of soul. What a phrase. Oh God, please increase their strength of soul. On the day we call, you answer. You answer us when we call upon you on day one, on day two, on day 50, on day 80, however many more days to come.

This Verse Leads Us to Confess

And God we confess, we don’t always understand why you answer in this way or that way. Why you don’t answer in some of the ways we sometimes ask, but God we trust in you. I just think about my time with you this morning. God, we trust in you. You are fully trustworthy. You’ve sent your Son to save us from our sins. You have paid the price that we might know and enjoy you for all of eternity.

We trust in you. You are all-wise. We are not all-wise. You are all-powerful. We are not all-powerful. You are all loving. We don’t always know the best way to love you do and so we trust in you. We call out to you and we pray that you would answer us according to your wisdom and your power and your love. And in all of this, we pray that you would strengthen our souls, that you would increase the strength of our souls just like you promised to do in Psalm 138:3.

God, I just pray that over each person right now and all day long today or if they’re listening to this at night as they sleep and wake up again in the morning to new mercies. I pray, Oh God, that you would increase the strength of our souls during these days based on your word in Psalm 138:3.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

David Platt serves as a pastor in metro Washington, D.C. He is the founder of Radical.

David received his Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is the author of Don’t Hold Back, Radical, Follow MeCounter CultureSomething Needs to ChangeBefore You Vote, as well as the multiple volumes of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series.

Along with his wife and children, he lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area.


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