Seek God in Worship (Genesis 4:26)

“To Seth also a son was born and he called his name Enosh. At that time, people began to call upon the name of the Lord.”
– Genesis 4:26

Genesis 4:26 is the last verse in Chapter four. It follows two chapters of well, the introduction of sin into the world, all of the effects of sin and man and woman, their relationship with each other, their relationship with God. And then in chapter four we see this picture of Cain killing Abel, murder between brothers. I mean this is a world that we are familiar with. A world of sin and evil and suffering and death. It was not the original design. It’s not what Genesis one and two is about. But as a result of sin of our disobedience to God’s word, God’s ways, we are separated from Him and we experience all of these disastrous effects of sin.

When people call upon the Lord there is grace, mercy, hope, and reconciliation to be found.

But here at the end of chapter four, we see this picture of another son. So, you had Cain and Abel and another son born, Seth. And to Seth was born a son named Enosh. And then it says at that time people began to call upon the name of the Lord. The language there, literally as they begin to seek God in worship. And this is our great need. It is what we will see all throughout the story of scripture from this point on. When people call upon the name of the Lord, there is grace to be found. There’s a mercy to be found. There’s hope, there’s restoration, there’s reconciliation, there’s so much good that comes from calling upon the name of the Lord.

Genesis 4:26 Calls Us to Seek Him

And the exact opposite is also true. When we don’t call on the name of the Lord, when we don’t seek God in worship, then there are all kinds of disastrous effects. So this is where in a sense, like every day we have this choice before us, and Genesis 4:26 just beckons us everyday. Call upon the name of the Lord, seek Him. This is where life is found, it’s we’re good is found, it’s where grace is found. Like we’re all still prone to wonder. But when we wonder, call upon the name of the Lord, seek Him, return to Him.

This Verse Reminds Us We Need God

God today in prayer right now, whether it’s the beginning of the day for some people who are listening to this, very first thing, at the end of the day or somewhere in the middle of God, we are calling on your name. We are seeking You. We need You. Need your grace. We need your mercy. We need your help. Need your forgiveness and we praise You that you promised to give us all these things when we call upon your name. So God, please, please, please keep us from living lives that don’t call upon your name like all day long. Help us to look to You. Help us to cry out to You. And help us to pray without ceasing. To call upon your name, day after day after day, moment after moment, after moment.

Genesis 4:26 Wants Us To Continually Call Out God’s Name

When we sin to repent, to turn to You, to call out for your grace and know that we receive it. When we’re walking through challenges to call upon your name for help and know that we will receive it. And when we experienced joys, to call upon your name and worship and praise and thanksgiving and to know that you are honored in this.

God make us people who continually call on your name. May that be the story of our lives of the churches we’re a part of that we were individuals, that we were people who call upon your name, who sought you. And we trust that when this is true, that we will experience your grace, your goodness, your love, your mercy, your provision, just as you promise, when we call upon your name. Your provision in ways far beyond what we could ask or imagine when we call on You.

Thank you. Thank you, God, for the privilege of calling upon You. Help us to take advantage of this privilege all day long. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

David Platt serves as a pastor in metro Washington, D.C. He is the founder of Radical.

David received his Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is the author of Don’t Hold Back, Radical, Follow MeCounter CultureSomething Needs to ChangeBefore You Vote, as well as the multiple volumes of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series.

Along with his wife and children, he lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area.


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