Redeeming Love (Exodus 12:13) - Radical

Redeeming Love (Exodus 12:13)

The blood shall be a sign for you, on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you, when I strike the land of Egypt.
– Exodus 12:13

If you’re familiar with this chapter, it’s one of the most important, well-known, pivotal chapters in all the Old Testament, as God brings his people out of slavery in Egypt through the blood of a Passover lamb, as the people of God bring a lamb into their home and care for it, and then sacrifice that lamb and put the blood of that lamb over their doorpost so that on the night when God executes judgments, that’s the word in Exodus 12:12. Against sin in Egypt, the people of God will be saved from those judgments, not by their own merit, not because they’re better than the Egyptians, but because of their trust in the blood of this sacrifice that is over their doorposts.

Exodus 12:13 shows God’s provision for salvation.

And by being under the banner of that sacrifice, that blood, they will be saved, delivered from death and from slavery. This becomes a picture, one of many, in the Old Testament of the ultimate salvation that God brings to all who trust in the sacrifice of Jesus, in the blood of Jesus, the Lamb, who makes a way for us to be saved from all our sins, saved from the penalty of sin, death, and saved from slavery to sin in life.

And I just want to encourage you today, if you are a follower of Jesus, to see yourself right now, today, in a fresh way in this picture. Your life is hidden under the banner of the blood of Jesus, which has covered over all your sins. Not because you are better than anyone else, not because of any merit in you, but solely because of your trust in the blood of Jesus shed on a cross for you.

You are forgiven of all your sin. There is no condemnation for you. You are in Christ Jesus. The price for your sin has been paid. You are forgiven and you are free. You have been delivered from the power of sin in your life. There is no sin that has rule or reign or authority in your life today. You have freedom in the power of Jesus’s blood and his Spirit that now lives inside of you, to live free from sin’s power and penalty forever.

Exodus 12:13 pictures ultimate salvation through Jesus.

So God, we praise you for this reality. Just pray in my own life. I pray on behalf of every follower of Jesus listening to this right now… That we would see ourselves in this picture in a fresh way right now… Hidden under the banner of your blood, Lord Jesus. And God, if there’s anyone listening to this right now who, well, has not trusted in you, Jesus, maybe even has played a Christian game for you know how long, oh God, that today would be the day, this would be the moment they say, “No, I need to be under the banner of Jesus’s blood. I need to trust in Jesus’s blood for my forgiveness and my freedom, for my life.”

Oh God, I pray that you draw someone to salvation right now. Help us to share this good news, to lead others to salvation today in this way… To hide under the banner of Jesus’s blood. God, help us to live with urgency, to lead others to the blood of Jesus. And then to live in the power of Jesus’s blood, the power over sin that you’ve made possible for us. Jesus, your death on the cross… Your resurrection from the grave, your ascension to Heaven… You sending your Holy Spirit down…. So that we might live today free from the penalty and power of sin in our lives. May it be so.

Prayer for the Kurdish People

And God, we pray for people who haven’t heard this good news. For 14.8 million Kurdish people in Turkey, Iran, Syria, and Iraq… In mountainous regions and urban centers. God, we pray that the good news of Jesus’s blood… The lamb who’s taken away the sins of the world… Might reach the Kurdish people that they might be saved. God, we pray for the salvation, freedom, and deliverance of the Kurdish people. All 14.8 million of them, they would hear the good news of your love for them in Jesus. God, please may it be so.

We pray all of this because of the blood of Jesus that’s made the way open for us to walk with you. God, help us to live in the fullness of what it means to be under the banner of Jesus’s blood today. We pray all this according to your Word in Exodus 12:13. In Jesus’s name, amen.

David Platt

David Platt serves as a Lead Pastor for McLean Bible Church. He is also the Founder of Radical, an organization that helps people follow Jesus and make him known in their neighborhood and all nations.

David received his B.A. from the University of Georgia and M.Div., Th.M., and Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Some of his published works include Radical, Radical Together, Follow Me, Counter Culture, Something Needs to Change, and Don’t Hold Back.

He lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area with his wife and children.


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