Praying for the Protection of Marriages (Luke 16:18)

“Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery. And he who marries a woman divorced from her husband, commits adultery.”
– Luke 16:18

This is just one short verse in the middle of Luke 16. Jesus teaching on divorce and remarriage and it’s elaborated on other gospels. It’s just one short verse here in Luke 16:18.

Lord, we ask for Your strength and protection that marriages might display the glory of your gospel.

This Verse Prays For Husbands

But as I was reading through this chapter, I was just provoked and want to pray right now for every marriage represented in those who are listening right now, or for those who are single for married couples around you. And just want to pray, especially during these trying, challenging days in the middle of a pandemic and all kinds of added stress in different ways for the protection of marriages.

So, God, we pray right now for every marriage represented and those who are praying right now. Lord, I pray for husbands and for wives. We pray that you would help us as husbands to love our wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. Help us in an Ephesians five kind of way, to nourish, to cherish, to lay down our lives for the good of our wives.

This Verse Prays For Wives

So God, we pray maybe even as a result of reading Luke 16:18 and praying this prayer that today you would lead us to love our wives in a deeper way, in a greater way to serve our wives in maybe a new way. God, please help us to love our wives well.

God, I pray for wives. I pray that you would help them to love their husbands well. To follow their husband’s leadership as their husbands follow Christ. Lord, to respect their husbands in Ephesians five kind of way. To show how the church relates to Christ with the way they relate to their husband. God, I pray for marriages that are struggling. We pray together right now for marriages that are in difficult times right now. Please, God, we pray for restoration.

Luke 16:18 Prays For Intimacy And For Us To Look Like Jesus

We pray for the restoration of intimacy, of joy. So God, we pray most of all for intimacy with you, for joy in you that then leads to intimacy and joy with one another. God, we pray that you would draw us all closer to you, particularly in marriage. God, I know that my wife’s greatest need is for me to look like Jesus and think like Jesus and love like Jesus.

So, God, we pray that you would help us all to look like Jesus, think like Jesus, love like Jesus. God, we pray that you would keep us from divorce. Keep us from adultery. God, we pray that you would help us to show the power and the picture of the gospel in our marriages. God, I think about those who are preparing to get married. Please bless them in these days of preparation and God, especially in these unusual times with wedding details just up in the air and so many different ways, God, we pray that you would keep the focus on what is most important on this marriage covenant and this powerful picture of the gospel.

Luke 16:18 Thanks God For His Grace

And God, I pray, I thank you for your grace and single brothers and sisters, even as I’m preaching through Philippians chapter four, I just pray for beautiful contentment in you and encouragement from single brothers and sisters toward marriages, toward husbands and wives that in single brothers and sisters would be instruments in your hands for strengthening marriages by the way they encourage brothers and sisters in Christ, even as 1 Corinthians 7, Paul like Jesus, like the way we pray that you would grant grace and mercy and strength and focus in every way to our single brothers and sisters, that they might glorify you with the grace you’ve entrusted to them.

God, we thank you for the picture of marriage that you’ve designed since Genesis 2. And we pray that you’d help us to live in it and to experience your good design in marriage for your glory. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.

David Platt serves as a pastor in metro Washington, D.C. He is the founder of Radical.

David received his Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is the author of Don’t Hold Back, Radical, Follow MeCounter CultureSomething Needs to ChangeBefore You Vote, as well as the multiple volumes of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series.

Along with his wife and children, he lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area.


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