Praise the Lord (Psalm 150:6)

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.”
– Psalm 150:6

Huh. Thus ends 150 chapters through the Psalms. “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” Like a call to everything that is living in the world. So think about that. What’s included with everything that has breath? Well, animals, fish, the birds of the air, fish of the sea, animals across the land, all created for the praise of their creator. Let everything that has breath. And, of course, that includes you and me. That’s the whole picture we see throughout 150 psalms, that we have breath for one reason. To praise the Lord. I remember hearing it said years ago… Somebody said, “What if this last phrase in the book of Psalms was switched around? What if instead of it saying let everything that has breath praise the Lord, what if it said let everything that praises the Lord have breath?”

May Every Breath be Lifted to God

So how many of us would be alive right now if our every single breath was dependent on it being lifted in praise to God. Oh, I submit to you that the God of the Psalms, the God of the Bible, the one true God is worthy of nothing less than every single breath we have. Every single breath dedicated to his praise. We live to praise the Lord. That’s what we live for.

That’s the purpose of our life. It affects everything in our lives. So, God, we pray today, as we close out this journey of praying through different verses in the Psalms, we pray that you would help us to live to praise you. God, I pray… I want my life to praise you at every single moment. Above all else God, with every thought I have, with every desire I have, with every word I speak, with every decision I make, with how I love my wife or how I love my kids or how I love your church and how I love people who don’t know you and about how I live, how I work, how I play.

Psalm 150:6 Praises the Life that God Gives

So God in everything I do, I want to praise your name. And I pray that you’d forgive me for times that I don’t live to praise your name, times when I don’t do things that are totally dedicated to your praise. God, just please cleanse me of my pride and my selfishness and my sinfulness and, God, I just pray all these things over every single person who’s listening right now.

God, I pray that you would help us all to live to praise you because this is where life is found. This is where joy is found. It’s all over these Psalms. Every verse in Psalm 148, 49, 150, there’s exclamation points at the end of it because this is joy. This is life. This is gladness. Yes, this is dancing. God, this is fulfillment. This is the purpose for which we were created. So God, help us to see it. Help us to see that we were not created for the praise of ourselves.

Above all else God, we were not created for the praise of anyone else. We are not created to live for ourselves. We are created to live for your praise. We’re not created to live for any other pursuits, pleasures, possessions in this world. We are created to praise you, so help us to dedicate our every breath toward that end, to devote our every breath to your praise.

Psalm 150:6 Prays for All Peoples to Praise the Name of God

So God, we pray that that would be the story of our day today, if we’re listening to this in the morning, we’re listening to this in the evening, as we go to bed, we would sleep to your praise and wake up to your praise and live for your praise. God, in all that we do, may it be said of us that we lived to praise the Lord and that we called everything that has breath to do the same. God, we pray for the Komering people in Indonesia, half a million of them were there.

Few, if any, followers of Jesus. God, we pray that the Komering people would praise your name. And we pray that you would send laborers with the gospel to them. So God, we pray this for the Komering people in Indonesia, far from us, and we pray this for people right around us who don’t know you. God, we pray that you would help us to call them today to praise your name, to praise your name. Help us to call people all around us who have breath to praise the Lord, to find joy and fulfillment and gladness and dancing in praising your name. So we say with the psalmist in Psalm 150:6, let everything that has breath, including us, praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

David Platt serves as a pastor in metro Washington, D.C. He is the founder of Radical.

David received his Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is the author of Don’t Hold Back, Radical, Follow MeCounter CultureSomething Needs to ChangeBefore You Vote, as well as the multiple volumes of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series.

Along with his wife and children, he lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area.


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