Glimpsing the Glory of God (Leviticus 9:6) - Radical

Glimpsing the Glory of God (Leviticus 9:6)

And Moses said, “This is the thing that the Lord commanded you to do, that the glory of the Lord may appear to you.” Oh, what an incredible verse. Did you hear the last part of it? That the glory of the Lord may appear to you. It’s almost like Moses is saying, “Do you want to see the glory of the Lord?”
-Leviticus 9:6

I think about that in my own life. Yeah, I want to see more and more and more of God’s glory, do you? Do you want to see the glory of the Lord? You want to experience more and more and more of God? Well, the beginning of this verse says, “This is the thing the Lord commanded you to do, that the glory of the Lord may appear to you.” And the thing that the Lord commanded them to do was to make these sacrifices. So now make the connection in the new covenant, New Testament. Jesus has offered himself as a sacrifice for our sins. He has paid the price for our sins, he’s offered himself as a sacrifice so that the glory of the Lord may appear to us.

Christ has made it possible for us to have a continual glimpse of the glory of God. May we long to see more of the glory of God in our lives.

This Verse Reminds Us that God is in Every Part of Life

Oh, what an awesome thought. Jesus died on the cross so that you and I can know more and more and more of God. And then you even think about our lives then as a sacrifice before God. So based on the shed blood of Christ that covers over our sin, we offer ourselves the living sacrifice to God. And as we do, as we walk in his commands, then we see more and more and more of his glory, we glimpse more and more and more of God. Oh, do you want to see the glory of the Lord?

Leviticus 9:6 Trusts the Sacrifice of Christ

Do you want to see God in your life and your family more and more and more and more? Then trust in the sacrifice of Jesus first and foremost and then as the overflow that, lay your life down on a daily basis and ask him, “God show me more of your glory. God I want to see and know you more and more and more.” And God will answer that prayer.

Oh God, we praise you first and foremost for the sacrifice of Christ on the cross that makes it possible for us to be with you right now. For us to behold you in your glory, in prayer, in your word, to have communion with you. Oh Lord Jesus we praise you for making communion with the father possible, for making it possible to have a daily continual glimpse of the glory of God. Oh, what a privilege of prayer. God helps us not to let this ever become rot or meaningless or routine. God we’re praying right now to you, you’re listening to us, we’re communing with you. We’re seeing more of your glory, experiencing more and more of you and God we pray, we want to see more.

Leviticus 9:6 Thanks God for His Perfect Glory

Oh, even just praying this morning, God I want to see more of your glory in my life and experience more of your fullness in my family and the church where I have the privilege of being a part and in the world around me. God for more of your glory in the city where I live, for more of your glory to made known in the world around me, among more people groups in the world. God, we want to see more of your glory. So, we lay our lives down before you toward that end. Lord use my life however you want, lead my life however you want, our lives.

As we pray to you God guide our thoughts, guide our desires, direct our steps, our decision-making. Direct our lives in every way today so that we see more of your glory, we know you in deeper ways so that other people around us might know you. God use us to spread your glory today, use us to make your glory known in other’s lives by sharing the gospel. Oh God, we want to see you more, we want to know you more, we want to love you more. So use the sacrifice before you today toward that end. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

David Platt

David Platt serves as a pastor in metro Washington, D.C. He is the founder of Radical.

David received his Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is the author of Don’t Hold Back, Radical, Follow MeCounter CultureSomething Needs to ChangeBefore You Vote, as well as the multiple volumes of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series.

Along with his wife and children, he lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area.


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