Follow Christ (John 21:19)

And after saying this, He said to him, “Follow me.”
– John 21:19

Two words, “Follow me”, that we see over and over and over again in the gospels. Jesus’ invitation to his first disciples, Peter and Andrew, James and John, “Follow me.” He says the same thing to Matthew later, “Follow me.” And then here at the end.

John 21:19 calls us to entrust Jesus our lives to Jesus.

So this is Jesus talking to Peter and John about their futures, and he says the same words again, “Follow me.” And keep in mind here in John 21, Jesus had just given a sobering picture to Peter of how he would die as he followed Jesus.

And there’s a lot we could talk about here, but one thing I want to point out in all of these instances, the people who were following Jesus never knew where they were going. They just knew who they’d be with. I’m going to say that one more time, I just want you to let it soak in. They didn’t know where they would be going. Jesus never said, “Follow me,” to which they would reply, “Where are we going?” They didn’t even ask. And he just doesn’t tell them. He doesn’t say, “Follow me to the…” fill in the blank. No. He just says, “Follow me,” period, here in John 21:19. And they go in all these instances, not because they know where they’re going, but because they know who they’ll be with.

And this is true in your life and my life. What is most important in our lives is who we’re with, not with where we’re going. And the reality is, as long as we are with Jesus, that should be the only thing that matters, not where we’re going. Can I just encourage you today? Never to put limits on where you might follow Jesus. Always to put your focus on just being wherever he is and wherever he leads, to say, “I will go.” Even when it’s a sobering journey, as it would be for Peter in the days to come. Even when it’s a costly journey.

John 21:19 is a call to radical obedience.

Even when it might lead to your death, follow him. To which you might say, “Why would I follow him to death?” Well, just think about it. He’s the only one who’s conquered death. He’s the Lord of life. So don’t you want to be with him wherever he is? Once you realize who he is that you’re following, you realize the most foolish thing you could do is put conditions on where you follow him.

So God, we pray you’d help us to follow you today, all day long. To follow the leadership of your Spirit. To follow your Word, to obey your commands, to walk in step with your Word and your Spirit. Help us to follow you today, tomorrow, each day of our lives. Our lives are yours to spend, to lead, to guide wherever, however you want, Oh God.

So we say yes, we praise you for the privilege of following you. Lord Jesus, we praise you for your invitation for us to follow you. So I pray in my own life, you help me to follow me wherever you lead, no matter what that means, no matter what that may cost. Knowing that just being with you is my reward. And I pray that over every single person listening right now, that they would follow you wherever you lead them, no matter what that means, no matter what that costs, knowing that you are their reward.

And God help us, just as Matthew 4:19 says, “To follow you and to be fishers of men.” To lead others to follow you in the process.

Prayer for the Taga People

God, we pray for the Taga people of India. For 628,000 Hindu men, women, and children worshiping millions of gods. We pray that they would hear the good news that Jesus alone is God, and that he is worthy of our lives. That he alone can save us from our sins. God, we pray for the Taga people of India to be reached, to become followers of Jesus, that they might lead others to become followers of Jesus. We pray all this according to your Word in John 21:19, as followers of Jesus who may not always know where we’re going, but praise God, we know who we’re with. Amen.

David Platt serves as a Lead Pastor for McLean Bible Church. He is also the Founder and Chairman of Radical, an organization that helps people follow Jesus and make him known in their neighborhood and all nations.

David received his B.A. from the University of Georgia and M.Div., Th.M., and Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Some of his published works include Radical, Radical Together, Follow Me, Counter Culture, Something Needs to Change, and Don’t Hold Back.

He lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area with his wife and children.


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