Why Secret Church? - Radical

Why Secret Church?

The word “church” brings up a variety of images to different people around the world. In America, we typically think of a building where believers gather to sing, pray, and listen to a message from a pastor or teacher. In other parts of the world, however, churches may meet in homes or sometimes in secret locations. Followers of Christ in some places take great risks in meeting together where being a Christian is dangerous. Facing these risks, believers gather together sometimes for hours to pray and read God’s word.

Why Do We Have Secret Church?

Secret Church is our version of “house church” where we meet together for an intense time of Bible study and a time of prayer for our brothers and sisters around the world who face persecution for their faith. The 6+ hours of Bible study are not for the faint of heart, but they provide an opportunity for us to gather together to know God’s word more deeply and identify with His global church.

Don’t just take our word for it though. People have shared with us about their Secret Church experiences and what they learned. Hear what they have to say…

…about the Bible study:

I’m from Colombia, South America. I live in a little town that only has a couple of sound doctrine churches and one day searching on the internet for a way to do discipleship and good resources I found Secret Church. I’ve been nurtured and I’ve been able to teach what God, through David, has taught me in Secret Church. I’m thankful to God for all He is doing through this ministry. God’s Word is being known all over the World for the sake of His name. Praise God! – Daniel

When I first started planning for Secret Church I was not sure that anyone would be as excited as I was to study the word for 6 hours! Very quickly I learned that so many are just as hungry as I am to study the Word and fellowship together…The teaching was so phenomenal that it took me over an hour after the end of Secret Church to get everyone to leave! They were having a Bible study after the Bible study…The information and the experience were transformative! I am not only going to host it again next year, but I’m also planning on inviting even more people. – Elise

…on hosting Secret Church at your church:

This year we hosted our 2nd Secret Church at our Lutheran Church just outside of Charlotte, NC. Last year we had about 29 people attend. And we were thrilled!! This year, when the other coordinator and I met to begin planning and praying, we talked about how many books to order. She wanted to order 25. I just knew that we needed to order 35. After some talking back and forth and convincing her that we needed to step out in faith, we ordered 35 study guides. Then we got a call from a larger church in the area asking if they could come alongside us and participate too.

We were so honored and shocked by this opportunity!! In the end, we had 4 different churches represented and almost 50 people attending. (Yes – we even ordered more guides!) We stepped out in faith and obedience and God took care of the rest. Secret Church is a strong dunking of God’s word and practical application. Still trying to digest it all. Thank you for your obedience to teaching. –  Chris

…about the simulcast:

When I heard about Secret Church I just wanted to be a part of the event. It’s such a blessing. This was my first time and I could learn so much about God and how my life has been changed by the Cross. First I was worried because I had no money, but then it was for free for those outside the USA so I told my friends who understand English, but no one could make it and just one of them who doesn’t speak English came, so we listened as I was translating. The day after that night we just couldn’t stop talking and sharing what we learned. Thank you very much for making a simulcast. – Samuel

…about the Secret Church prayer focus:

New to Secret Church – thanking & praising God for David Platt, others involved on-site and around the world; a highpoint was knowing that as we prayed w/our Siblings in Vietnam, they were witnessing! The last few hours are a blessing that continues and I’m looking forward to sharing with others here in The Gambia, W. Africa. – Rashida

…on going beyond Secret Church:

My husband & I found out about Secret Church 2014 and attended for the first time. We shared later in the day with the young adults in our family and in following weeks, began viewing each session on Sunday evenings together. This led to our reading Radical, then purchasing copies for 5 of our older children and reading/discussing together one evening a week. This year 3 of our oldest joined us for Secret Church 2015. So grateful for the opportunity to pray for our brothers & sisters who are persecuted and hear biblical teaching that addresses what is taking place in the world, and to be challenged to go and do all Jesus commanded. – Kimberly

Secret Church 16: A Global Gospel in a World of Religions

On April 29, 2016, we will host Secret Church 16: A Global Gospel in a World of Religions. Join us for a study on what makes the gospel unique among other religions and how we can engage with people of other faiths. We will also learn about and pray for persecuted believers in India.

Have you participated in Secret Church? We want to hear from you. Share your stories with us and help us encourage other people to join in this year.

Radical’s Secret Church is a unique, one-night event that is streamed online to more than 50,000 participants around the world.


That means that the people with the most urgent spiritual and physical needs on the planet are receiving the least amount of support. Together we can change that!