Despite the massive spiritual and physical needs around the world, only about 1% or less of money given to missions goes to people and places that are unreached. That means that the people with the most urgent spiritual and physical needs on the planet are receiving the least amount of support.
Our Responsibility to the Unreached
So what is the responsibility of Christians and churches when it comes to meeting these urgent spiritual and physical needs? David Platt notes,
Our ultimate need is never physical; it is always spiritual. What do we all need, more than anything else? To repent in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins (Acts 2:38). This is why we have been commanded to proclaim Jesus’s word in a world of spiritual need—to speak the gospel that has the power to save people’s lives for all of eternity. This is what Paul asked the church to pray for him in spiritual battle:
… that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak. (Ephesians 6:19–20)
The greatest Need is Reconciliation with God
Making disciples starts with proclaiming the gospel because people’s greatest need is reconciliation to God … on this earth … and in eternity. We’re prone to think, “Yeah, but what about people who are physically suffering,” and we’re about to talk about that. But we have been commanded to keep people from eternal suffering—from hell!
Hell is depicted in Scripture as a place of anguish and torment (Luke 16:19–31). Sure, we want people to be free from suffering on this earth in so many ways. But, ultimately, we want people to be free from suffering forever in eternity.
At the same time, if we’re going to see the world as Jesus sees the world, we must see urgent physical needs, which are evident. The man was lying on a mat in Mark 2, and he couldn’t walk. The man was beaten on the side of the road in Luke 10, and he needed help. We have been commanded to display Jesus’s love in a world of physical need.
… So when we look at the world in light of God’s purpose for the world, we must see the needs among the nations. Both spiritual needs, which are ultimate in a world of sin. And physical needs, which are evident in a world of suffering.[1]
Radical’s Initiative
One way Radical is aiming to address these spiritual and physical needs is through the More Than One summer challenge. By giving monthly toward Radical’s Urgent initiative, you can support indigenous gospel workers in North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, India, and other hard to reach places. Even small gifts can go a long way.
Would you partner with us today by donating to Urgent? We’re eager to see More Than One percent of missions money going to reach those with little or no access to the gospel.
[1] This excerpt is slightly adapted from Secret Church 21, “The Great Imbalance.”