Unengaged, Unreached – Hindi-Speaking Jains

India has a population of over 940,000 Hindi-speaking followers of the Jain religion, mostly living in Central and West India. As Jains, they are strict vegetarians and avoid violence at all costs as they strive to conquer human passions. Hindi-speaking Jains are some of the most literate people in India and are primarily employees in the trade industry.

The Hindi-Speaking Jains of India

Jains believe that the universe has no beginning or end and no single person can explain absolute truth. They strive to live a life free of passion and work to attain freedom from reincarnation. Many times Jains have mixed their religion with Hinduism, as they are in close proximity to one another.

Currently, the Hindi-speaking Jains of India are unengaged and unreached. Will you pray for the gospel to reach these people?

Pray for Christians in India to take the gospel specifically to Hindi-speaking Jains. Ask for church planting among them. Pray that Hindi-speaking Jains would come to faith and would be bold evangelists among their people.

The Unengaged and Unreached of India

More than 1.2 billion people live in the country of India, and our prayer focus for Secret Church 16: A Global Gospel in a World of Religions.

Out of the 1,469 people groups in India, 477 are unengaged and unreached with the gospel. This means they may be born, live, and die without ever hearing the name of Jesus.

We must do something. Be a part of an effort to help these people hear the good news of Jesus Christ for the first time. In the weeks leading up to Secret Church 16, we will share about a few of these unengaged, unreached people groups who need to hear the gospel. Take time to read about these people, use the prayer requests to intercede on their behalf, share this information with others, and get them to pray.

Will you stand in the gap and pray for those who have yet to hear of our Savior?

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That means that the people with the most urgent spiritual and physical needs are receiving the least support. You can help change that!

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