Lohri: A Sikh Harvest Festival

TheyTomorrow, on January 13, Sikhs in many parts of India will celebrate their annual Lohri festival. Although it is most popular in Punjab, the festival is now celebrated by Sikhs in Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu, and Delhi.

Meaning of Lohri

Lohri is a time when Sikhs express deep appreciation to the nature gods for a bountiful harvest. The main activities center around a huge bonfire where people offer gifts and perform rituals around the blaze. The ritual of dancing and singing while circling the fire reminds farmers of the importance of fire in their trade. During these rituals, people pray for honor and abundance in their lives.

They believe fire rids people of sadness and give them renewed happiness in life. It is a time when people celebrate oneness and are encouraged to look beyond personal differences.

Sikhs strive for disciplined lives where they can be freed of human desires and escape the cycle of reincarnation. Although they believe in only one true God, they follow the teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib and see their 10 gurus’ teachings as their only spiritual guides.

Pray for Sikha

Take a moment to pray for Sikhs as they celebrate their Lohri festival this week. Here are a few ways to start praying:

Pray for Sikhs to learn of their Creator who is the one responsible for their abundant harvests.

Pray for an abundant gospel harvest among the Sikhs of India and for them to worship the One True God.

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