“Jesus is All I Have”

“For 13 years, my husband physically and mentally abused me because of my Christian faith. He finally abandoned me and my children last year in December,” she shares with an Open Doors volunteer in India. Sarita is a Christian in India. Also, she is now a single parent to her two children, 12-year-old daughter Asha and 8-year-old son Ashish. Asha is mentally challenged,


“God never left me alone, not once. Despite my circumstances, I kept sharing about Jesus to my elder sister and mother. They are Christians now.” Her church members also encourage her. “I love Jesus very much,” she continued. “He is all I have, and I am confident He will never leave me.” 

Being a Christian in India

These words appeared in a recent article by Open Doors about women in India and the persecution they often face [Read the full article here]. Sarita’s story is not an uncommon one. Often when Indians choose to follow Christ, they are rejected by their families, ostracized in their communities, and discriminated against by the government. Many Indian Christians have been beaten or even killed for their faith and often the government overlooks these crimes.

During Secret Church 16: A Global Gospel in a World of Religions, we will learn about and pray for persecuted believers in India. Leading up to Secret Church, we will be posting blogs about India to help you learn about India’s culture, people, and religions. Stay tuned for more about India and how the church continues to grow under intense persecution. Join with us as we pray for India and ask God to work mightily there.

Register for the Secret Church simulcast today. 

Radical’s Secret Church is a unique, one-night event that is streamed online to more than 50,000 participants around the world.


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