Jackie Hill Perry on Embracing the Gospel and Biblical Femininity

In a recent article for 9Marks, Jackie Hill Perry wrote about how she went from embracing a lesbian lifestyle to loving her role as a woman and wife.

Even with a clear understanding of biblical gender roles, my pride had to die and my faith had to soar for me to live those truths. My entire life had consisted of being terrified of being perceived as weak, to the point that I tried to live and act like a man. The idea of being “the weaker vessel” or being a “helper” didn’t seem flattering—until I took my eyes off myself and remembered Christ.

I had to remember that God the Son himself, the Creator of the universe, the one whom angels worship and demons fear, did not count equality with God the Father as something to be grasped, but emptied himself by taking the form of a servant. God became a servant.

With this in mind, ultimately my embrace of complementarianism became possible when I was willing to see my womanhood as a means to look and live like Jesus.

Read the rest of her insightful article here. Then check out the below videos, in which Jackie clearly displays and explains the beauty of the gospel. “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost” (1 Tim 1:15).

Homosexuality and marriage is discussed in David Platt’s new book, Counter Culture. For more information, visit CounterCultureBook.com.

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